1 When fi nished scrubbing, press the One-Touch Scrub Switch (I), this will automatically raise, retract and stop all the machine systems (brush, squeegee,
vacuum, solution and detergent. Then drive the machine to a service area for daily maintenance and review of other needed service upkeep.
2 To empty the solution tank:
Direct the Solution Tank Drain Hose (22) toward a designated “DISPOSAL SITE” and open the Solution Drain Valve (34). Also the tank can be drained by
closing the Solution Shutoff Valve (27) and removing the cap from the Solution Filter (26), then open the Solution Shutoff Valve to drain the solution out
through the fi lter. Rinse the tank with clean water.
3 To empty the recovery tank, pull the Recovery Tank Drain Hose (30) from its storage area. Direct the hose to a designated “DISPOSAL SITE” and unscrew
the cap (hold the end of the hose above the water level in the tank to avoid sudden, uncontrolled fl ow of waste water). Unlatch (29) and lift open the
Recovery Tank Cover (13) set the prop rod (32). Inspect and empty the Debris Catch Tray (16) in the recovery tank. Rinse the tank with clean water.
4 Remove the brush or pad holder. Rinse the brush or pad in warm water and hang up to dry.
5 Remove the squeegee, rinse it with warm water and hang it up to dry.
6 Check the maintenance schedule below and perform any required maintenance before storage.
7 Store the machine indoors in a clean dry place. Keep from freezing. Leave the tanks open to air them out.
8 Turn the Key Switch (A) OFF (O) and remove the key.
9 Batteries are the most expensive replacement item on this machine. To protect your investment and to get as many cycles from the batteries as possible,
remember the following:
When installing batteries make certain the machine and charger are programed for the correct battery type.
Batteries will last longer if they are kept fully charged.
Batteries will prematurely fail if stored in a discharged state.
Battery chargers will not over or undercharge the batteries.
Every day after use, the battery charger must be plugged in and the charger must be allowed to run through a full charging sequence to fully charge the
batteries. This may take 8-12 hours depending on the battery status.
Always have the charger plugged into an AC outlet if the machine will not be used for a longer period of time to keep the battery(s) charged.
MAINTENANCE ITEMDailyWeeklyMonthlyYearly
Charge BatteriesX
Check/Clean Tanks & HosesX
Check/Clean the Brushes/PadsX
Check/Clean the SqueegeeX
Check/Clean Vacuum Shut-Off FloatX
Empty/Clean Debris Catch Tray in Recovery TankX
Check Each Battery Cell(s) Water LevelX
Inspect Scrub Housing SkirtX
Inspect and clean Solution FilterX
Purge Detergent System (if installed)X
Lubrication of MachineX
* Check Carbon BrushesX
* Have an Authorized Nilfi sk Service Center check the vacuum motor carbon motor brushes once a year or after 300 operating hours. The brush and drive motor
carbon brushes should be checked every 500 hours or once a year.
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