Electrical components in this machine can be severely damaged if the batteries are not installed and connected properly.
Batteries should be installed by Nilfi sk or by a qualifi ed electrician.
1 Remove the batteries from their shipping crate and carefully inspect them for cracks or other damage. If damage is evident, contact the
carrier that delivered them or the battery manufacturer to fi le a damage claim.
2 Turn the Power Switch (B) OFF and remove the magnetic key.
3 Raise the steering column to the full upright position. Tip the seat forward and engage the Seat Prop Rod (9).
4 Remove the crossbar and if installed also remove the overhead guard.
5 Remove the recovery tank from the machine. NOTE: Disconnect the recovery switch wiring and the vacuum motor wiring then lift the tank
straight up and off the machine.
6 Your machine comes from the factory with enough battery cables to install six 6 volt batteries. Using at least (2) people and an appropriate
lifting strap, carefully lift the batteries into the battery compartment and arrange them exactly as shown in FIGURE 1. Secure the batteries
as close to the front and right side of the machine as possible. Use battery spacer to keep batteries from moving. If installing a mono-block
battery use an overhead hoist (the seat support bracket will need to be temporarily removed to install a mono-block battery).
7 Install the battery cables as shown. Position the cables so the battery caps can be easily removed for battery service.
IMPORTANT!: The protective caps supplied with the batteries need to be left on or re-used to completely cover the portion of the
battery terminals that are not being protected by the battery cable terminal cover boots supplied with the battery cables. This also
applies to the inline fuse holder boot.
8 Carefully tighten the nut in each battery terminal until the terminal will not turn. Do not over-tighten the terminals, or they will be very diffi cult
to remove for future service.
9 Coat the terminals with spray-on battery terminal coating (available at most auto parts stores).
10 Put one of the black rubber boots over each of the terminals and connect the Machine Battery Connector (10).
11 Make sure the Fuse Holder Boot (14) is covering the fuse holder, the cable end of the Machine Battery Connector (10), and as much of the
battery terminal as possible. Leave the protective caps supplied with the batteries in place or re-use to cover the terminal areas not protected
by the terminal cover boots.
When changing batteries or the charger, please contact your local authorized service center for correct battery, charger and machine
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