Turn the machine OFF at the power switch, before changing the brushes, and before opening any access panels.
1 Make sure the Scrub Deck is in the RAISED position. Make sure the Power Switch (B) is off.
2 Unlatch and swing open the Scrub Deck Side Doors (15).
3 See Figure 2. Remove both Side Blade Assemblies (AA). NOTE: The blades are held in place by a large Knob (BB). Loosen these knobs and slide the
Blade Assemblies (AA) forward slightly and then off of the Scrub Deck.
4a To manually install the brushes:
Lift the Brushes (DD) (or pad holders) and align the lugs on the brush with the holes on the mounting plate then turn to lock in place (turn the outside edge of
brush towards the front of machine as shown by arrow (EE)).
4b To use the automatic Brush Install feature:
i. Press the Guide Bar (CC) forward while sliding the brush under the deck and stop when the brush is contacting both legs of the guide bar. Repeat this
step for the brush on the other side of the deck. NOTE: Do not push the fi rst brush out of position with the second brush.
ii. Turn the machine ON at the Power Switch (B). (SCRUB SYSTEM MUST BE OFF and MACHINE IN NEUTRAL)
Keep hands and feed out from underneath the deck. Take precautions to prevent hair, jewelry, or loose clothing from
becoming caught in moving parts.
iii. Press the Brush Install Switch (O) the display will show Brush Install Indicator (C18) then wait for the brush install sequence to fi nish.
5 Reinstall the side blade assemblies and close the deck side doors. NOTE: While scrubbing the brushes rotate as shown by arrow (FF).
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