Support and Tr oubleshooting
Support and Tr oubleshooting
Nintendo DSi Privac y P olic y
Nintendo is dedicated to pr otecting your privacy and handling any personal information w e obtain from you with care and r espect.
ThisNintendoDSiPriv acyPolicy(“PrivacyPolicy”)isintendedtoprovideyouwithanunderstandingofinformationtha tmaybe
submitted and collected through use of the Nintendo DSi S ystem. W e may revise and updat e this Privacy Policy from time to time.
Please review the most recen t version of this policy frequently by going to http://support.nintendo .com or c ontacting our customer
servicedepar tmentat(888)977-7627. ThisPriv acyPolicyonlyappliestoinformationsubmittedorcollectedfromy ourNintendoDSi.
Informationyoumaysubmitthr oughanyofNintendo ’ sW ebsitesorthe Wiiconsoleissubjecttotheapplicableprivacypolicyposted
at http://support.nintendo .com. Please read this P rivacy Policy; it applies to use of your Nintendo DSi by y ou and any other person
usingyourNintendoDSi(whetheryouga vethempermissiontouseitornot).
We do not k nowingly collect personally identiable information from childr en under the age of 13, absent veriable par ental consent.
Before allowing your childr en to use the Nintendo DSi, we str ongly recommend y ou educate them on the importance of not sharing
personally identiable information about themselves with strangers . In particular, w e recommend y ou tell your children not t o use
any personally identiable information for their Nint endo DSi user name, in-game nicknames, or when communicating with other
Nintendo DSi users through the Nint endo DSi wireless communication featur es. W e strongly r ecommend you assist your childr en
withthesetupoftheirNintendoDSi,andthatyousuperviseyourchildren ’ suseoftheNintendoDSiatalltimes. Y oucanrestrict
yourchildren ’ suseofc ertainfeaturesoftheNintendoDSibysettinguptheNint endoDSiParen talContr olsfunction.Foradetailed
description of the Nintendo DSi wireless communication f eatures and P arental C ontrols , please see the Nintendo DSi Operations
Manual included with your Nintendo DSi and also av ailable at http://support.nintendo .com.
“Personal Information ” is information that may be used to identify you such as y our name, address , telephone number , or name based
emailaddress(forexample,Nin tendo@Nintendo .com). W eonlycollectPersonalInforma tionyouprovidet ousorasdescribedbelow .
If you choose not to pro vide us with Personal Informa tion, use of your Nintendo DSi will not be aected, e xcept to the extent tha t
certain features, such as those described in the section immediately below , r equest disclosure of certain Personal Informa tion.
In addition to the Personal Informa tion you pro vide to us, we ma y collect anonymous information from y ou such as your age, gender ,
geographicarea,NintendoDSiint ernetprotocol(IP )address,andmediaacc esscontrol(MA C)address. W ewillnotlinky ourPersonal
Informationwithanyanonymousoraggr egateinformationw ecollectfromyouunless(1)youauthoriz eustodoso;(2)youchoose
tolinkyourDSiShopAcc ounttoyourClubNint endoaccount;(3)wenotifyy ourst;or(4)wearer espondingtolegalprocess .Inorder
toprovidey ouwithmorecustomizedservices,w emayalsoreceiv eandrecordinf ormationonourserverlogsfromtheNintendo
Wi-FiC onnectionService( WFC),includingbutnotlimitedtoyourIPaddress ,MACaddr ess,cookies ,transactions,settingsand
download activity. If y ou do not want Nintendo to c ollect this information you can turn o Nintendo WFC on your Nint endo DSi.
If you
provide sensitive informa tion when communicating with third parties via your Nintendo DSi, Nin tendo does not receiv e or collect that
information. Y ourNint endoDSimaystoreonitshar ddriveP ersonalInformationorsensitiveinforma tionforyourconv enience.
Wema ycollectPersonal,anon ymousoraggregateinf ormationfromyouf orseveralpurposesincludingto:(i)customiz eyour
NintendoDSiShopcatalogandothercatalogs;(ii)communicat ewithyouregar dinggames,contests ,sweepstak es,surveys,product
changes,Nintendo WFCissuesandmore;(iii)facilita teyouruseofcertainNintendoDSiapplicationsandfeatur es;(iv)processor ders
youhaveplac edthroughyourNint endoDSi;and(v)setuprepairorders .Someofthetypesofinformationcollectedandthewaythe
information is handled are detailed by ca tegory below.
Su rve ys: W e may conduct surveys of Nintendo DSi users. The inf ormation we collect from y ou in a survey will be demographic or
opinion information and will not be tied to your P ersonal Information unless w e notify you otherwise. T he results of anonymous or
aggregate da ta collected from surveys, but not P ersonal Information, may be disclosed to the public.
Contests and Sweepstak es: W e ma y host various contests and sw eepstakes. T o enter you may be required t o submit certain
Personal Information about y ourself . For mor e information about Nintendo cont ests or sweepstakes , please see the ocial rules of the
contest or sweepstak e you are en tering.
Nintendo DSi Online Applications: Certain Nintendo DSi online applications may request anonymous informa tion from you, which w e
may use to rec ommend games to you or to dev elop new games and services. For more informa tion, please visit http://support.nintendo .com.
Nintendo DSi Shop Account: If you pay for items thr ough the Nintendo DSi Shop with your cr edit card, y ou need to provide a v alid
creditcardnumber ,e xpirationdat e,creditcardsecuritycodeandy ourcity,sta te/county/provinceandzipc ode/postalcode. W edo
not ask for your name or your complet e address unless you or der items that we must ship t o you, rather than deliv er via a download.
Y oumustbeov ertheageof18toplaceordersonline.A nycreditcardinforma tionyousubmitthroughtheNin tendoDSiShopwillbe
transmitted using SSL encryption. All such encrypted information will be maintained and processed by Nintendo and its trust ed third
party credit card processors on secure computers tha t are not accessible fr om the Internet. T his encrypted information is subject to the
section below entitled “Security . ”
IP Addresses: Y ourNint endoDSiisautomaticallyassignedanIPaddressbyy ourInternetServiceProviderwhenyouc onnectto
Nintendo WFC. Nintendo WFC automatically cr eates log les of user activities via Nintendo WFC and may also r ecord the IP address
and MAC addr ess of users. In general, w e only use log les to monitor trac on our W eb sites and to tr oubleshoot technical problems .
Intheeventyoudonotc omplywiththeNintendoDSiEndUserLicenseAgr eement(EULA)orNintendoDSiC odeofConductwhen
using Nintendo WFC we may block y our IP address. W e do not link IP addr esses to Personal Informa tion unless we notify you or
unless necessary to enforce our Nintendo DSi EULA or Code of C onduct or to respond to legal pr ocess.
Web Beacons:C ertainNintendoDSionlineapplicationsmayuseacommonInternettechnologycalled “Webbeacons” (also
called “W ebbugs, ” “actiontags, ” “pixeltrack ers, ” or “ clearGIFs”),whicharesmallgraphicimagesplacedona W ebpage, W eb-based
document, or in an email message, designed to c ollect certain information and monitor user activit y online. W eb beacons are
invisibletoyoubecausetheyar etypicallyverysmall(only1-by-1pixel)andthesamecolorasthebackgr oundofthe W ebpage,
document or email message. W e may use W eb beacons to collect anonymous information such as the Nin tendo DSi IP address, MA C
address,theURLofthepagethe W ebusercomesfr om,andthetimetheW ebbeaconisactiva ted(suchaswhenyouviewthe W eb
page,advertisement,oremailcontainingthe W ebbeacon). W edonotuse W ebbeaconstocollectP ersonalInformation. W emayuse
the anonymous information collected through W eb beacons t o determine how to impro ve the Nintendo DSi applications b y seeing
whichareas,fea tures,andpr oductsaremostpopular;personalizingtheNintendoDSiservicesandmakingrecommendationsbased
ondownloadedproducts;andcompletingtransactionsyouhav erequested .Intheeventy ouvisitathirdparty’ sW ebsit ethroughthe
Internet browser on the Nin tendo DSi, or you choose to view an ad fr om a third party, such as those made av ailable at Nintendo Z one
stations, those W eb sites or ads may also c ontain tools such as cookies and W eb beacons which may be acc essible to such third party.
Cookies: Certain online Nintendo DSi applications may use cook ies, which are small te xt les that a W eb site plac es on your Nintendo
DSi.T heselesidentifyyourNint endoDSiandrecordda taaboutyourvisitsothatwhenyour eturntoa W ebsite,thesiter ecognizes
yourNintendoDSiandcanpersonalizey ourvisit.Cook iesmaybelinkedtoy ourtransactionhistory,onlinegameplayorother
information. W e may use information collected by c ookies, as well as other tools such as log les and W eb beacons , to determine how
toimprov etheNintendoDSiapplicationsbyseeingwhichar eas,featur es,andproductsaremostpopular;personalizingtheNint endo
DSi services and making recommendations based on downloaded products; and completing transactions you hav e requested .
Intheeventyouvisitathir dparty ’ s W ebsitethr oughtheInternetbro wserontheNintendoDSi,oryouchoosetoviewanadfr oma
third party, such as those made av ailable at Nintendo Z one stations, those W eb sites or ads may also c ontain tools such as cookies
and W eb beac ons.
Other: In order to constantly improv e the products and services we provide and better meet y our needs, we ma y also use your
Personal Information as w ell as anonymous or aggrega te information for our mark eting purposes, demographic studies, and quality
assurance.Insomecases,w emayaddtoorupdat eyourP ersonalInformationwithdatacollectedfromoinesour ces(e.g .,mail-in
registrationcar dsordateofpurchaseinforma tionfromretailers).Ifw ecombineinformationcollectedoinewithinformation
collected through the Nintendo DSi, the combined P ersonal Information will be tr eated in accor dance with this Privacy Policy .
Wedonotsellorr entanyofourcustomers ’ P ersonalInformationtothir dparties.W ema y ,however ,sharePersonal,aggr egateor
anonymousinformationwithourvendorst ohelpusperformvariousfunctionsnecessar ytooperateourbusiness(fore xample,
completingdownloadsorpurchases ,developingandexecutingmark etingcampaigns,etc.)andwithouralia tedcompanies. W e
also may disclose your email address t o our partners for the sole purpose of sending you email messages you have r equested, or to
ensure that you do not r eceive such messages if y ou have opted out of r eceiving them. These partners are prohibited fr om using your
email address for any other purpose. W e ma y disclose Personal Information in or der to comply with legal proc ess, respond t o claims
or inquiries, or protect the rights , property or personal safety of Nintendo, our customers or the public. In addition, informa tion
about our customers, including P ersonal Information, may be disclosed as part of any merger , sale , transfer of company assets , or
acquisition, if permitted by and done in accor dance with applicable laws.
Y oumaylinky ourNintendoDSiShopAccoun ttoyourClubNint endoaccounttor eceivepersonalizedcon tentandparticipateina
variety of activities, promotions and programs . Once you hav e linked your Club Nint endo account to y our DSi Shop Account , any
Personal Information y ou enter on your C lub Nintendo account will be link ed to your DSi Shop Ac count.
Certain Nintendo DSi games and features giv e you the opportunity to create a nickname, cr eate a user name and int eract with
other Nintendo DSi users. W e strongly encour age you not to use your o wn name for any nicknames or user names you ma y create .
In addition, we strongly encour age you not to share P ersonal Information about y ourself and not to allow your childr en to share
Personal Information about themselv es with other Nintendo DSi users.
For certain Nintendo DSi applications, including some Nin tendo DSi games, your Nint endo DSi Friends may hav e access to
information such as whether you hav e downloaded or are using a particular Nintendo DSi game.
Certain sensitive or Personal Informa tion about you may be stor ed on your Nintendo DSi. F or your pr otection, before selling or
otherwise transferring your Nintendo DSi, please be sure to clean and secur ely remove all P ersonal Information, an y content y ou
created , and all other stored sensitiv e information on the Nintendo DSi. F or instructions on how to remov e this information, please
see the Internet Setup section of your Nintendo DSi Operations Manual .
Last Updated: April 1, 2009