HHooww ttoo sseett uupp tthhee UURRCC--99004400 ttoo ccoonnttrrooll yyoouurr DDeevviicceess
EExxaammppllee:: TToo sseett uupp tthhee UURRCC--99004400 ffoorr yyoouurr TTeelleevviissiioonn ((oonn tthhee TTVV kkeeyy))::
Find the code for your device in the Code list. Codes are listed
by device type and brand name. The most popular code is listed first.
MMaakkee ssuurree yyoouurr ddeevviiccee iiss sswwiittcchheedd oonn ((nnoott oonn ssttaannddbbyy))..
22.. PPrreessss aanndd rreelleeaassee tthhee TTVV kkeeyy
on the URC-9040.
33.. PPrreessss aanndd hhoolldd ddoowwnn RREEWWIINNDD ++ FFAASSTTFFOORRWWAARRDD
ssiimmuullttaanneeoouussllyy uunnttiill tthhee UURRCC--99004400’’ss LLEEDD ((rreedd lliigghhtt))
bblliinnkkss ttwwiiccee
(the LED will blink once and then twice).
Enter your
ffiivvee--ddiiggiitt ddeevviiccee ccooddee
using the number keys.
The LED will blink twice.
Now, aim the URC-9040 at your device and
pprreessss PPOOWWEERR.. IIff yyoouurr ddeevviiccee
sswwiittcchheess ooffff,, tthhee UURRCC--99004400 iiss rreeaaddyy ttoo ooppeerraattee yyoouurr ddeevviiccee..
Turn your device back on and try all the remote’s functions to ensure
they are working properly. If the functions do not work properly,
repeat steps 1-5 using another code listed under your brand.
77.. IIff yyoouurr ddeevviiccee ddooeess nnoott rreessppoonndd,, ffoollllooww sstteeppss 11 ttoo 55 wwiitthh eeaacchh
ccooddee lliisstteedd ffoorr yyoouurr bbrraanndd.. IIff nnoonnee ooff tthhee ccooddeess lliisstteedd ffoorr yyoouurr
bbrraanndd ooppeerraattee yyoouurr ddeevviiccee,, oorr iiff yyoouurr bbrraanndd iiss nnoott lliisstteedd aatt aallll,,
ttrryy tthhee SSeeaarrcchh MMeetthhoodd ddeessccrriibbeedd oonn ppaaggee 88..
- Most TV’s do not switch on pressing the POWER key. Please try pressing a “number” key
or the “TV-text off” key to switch your TV back on.
- If your device’s original remote control does not have a POWER key, press PLAY instead of
POWER when setting up your device.
- Some codes are quite similar. If your device does not respond or is not functioning properly
with one of the codes, try another code listed under your brand.
- Remember to press the corresponding device key before operating your device.
The TV, STB and AUDIO keys are not mode specific. So it is possible to
set up a second Television on the STB key (If you do not have a Set-Top-Box)
or a second satellite receiver on the AUDIO key for example.
Exception is the PC key. The PC key is a dedicated mode key that cannot be
used for any other device than a PC.
SSeettttiinngg uupp tthhee UURRCC--99004400