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If you still have questions about the operation of your URC-9040 PC Media Remote and could not find
the answer(s) in the Trouble Shooting section, you may want to contact the customer service
department for assistance.
You may care to visit our Internet-site:
Our internet-site has many advantages:
- 24 hours access
- no waiting time
- page for Frequently Asked Questions
- info about the ONE FOR ALL product range
BBeeffoorree ccoonnttaaccttiinngg uuss,, bbyy FFaaxx,, EE--mmaaiill oorr PPhhoonnee,, mmaakkee ssuurree yyoouu hhaavvee tthhee rreeqquuiirreedd iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn
aavvaaiillaabbllee bbyy ffiilllliinngg iinn tthhee ttaabbllee bbeellooww..
What do we need to know before you contact us:
That you have the
UURRCC--99004400 ((**))
PC Media Remote universal remote.
The date of purchase (.........../.........../...........).
A list of your equipment/models: (see example below).
DDeevviiccee BBrraanndd DDeevviiccee RReemmoottee SSEETT--UUPP
mmooddeell nnrr.. mmooddeell nnrr.. ccooddee
TV Sony KV-25C5D RM-883 11505 (example)
TTyyppee//mmooddeell nnuummbbeerrss ccaann oofftteenn bbee ffoouunndd iinn yyoouurr eeqquuiippmmeenntt oowwnneerrss mmaannuuaall oorr oonn tthhee ffaaccttoorryy
ppllaattee bbeehhiinndd tthhee ddeevviiccee..
. Then Fax, E-mail or Dial us:
IInn tthhee UUKK
E-mail : ofahelp@uebv.com (***)
Fax : +31 53 432 9816
Tel. : 0901-5510010 (£ 0,50 per minute) (*) (**)
IInn IIrreellaanndd IInn AAuussttrraalliiaa
E-mail : ofahelp@uebv.com (***) E-mail : ofahelp@uebv.com (***)
Fax : +31 53 432 9816 Fax : 03 9672 2479
Tel. : 1-800 553199 (*) (**) Tel. : 1 300 888 298
IInn SSoouutthh AAffrriiccaa IInn NNeeww ZZeeaallaanndd
E-mail : support@oneforall.co.za E-mail : ofahelp@uebv.com (***)
Fax : 011 298 2302 Fax : (06) 878 2760
Tel. : 0860 100551 Tel. : 0508 ONE 4 ALL (663 4 255)
Tel. : 011 298 2300
(*) When you call us you will be asked to enter a URC-number.
The URC-number of this product is URC-9040.
(**) When calling with a mobile phone:
- You may be charged extra when calling us from; the UK or France.
- You may not be able to contact us when calling from; Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxemburg,
Greece, Portugal, Switzerland, Italy, Ireland or Austria.
(***) Just send a blank message, you’ll get auto-reply.
CCuussttoommeerr SSeerrvviiccee

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