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CCooddee UUppggrraaddee TTeecchhnnoollooggyy
Your URC-9040 Remote contains a unique feature, which allows new codes to
be added simply by holding it to your telephone. In a matter of seconds,
our magnetic coupling technology quickly and reliably transfers information
to the URC-9040 Remote without complex plugs, adapters or attachments.
This means, as you buy new products in the future, the URC-9040 Remote will never
become obsolete.
IInntteerrnneett ddoowwnnllooaadd
(Upgrade your URC-9040 Remote…via your PC)
Visit our website “
wwww ww..oonneeffoorraallll..ccoomm
yyoouurr rreeggiioonn
Select “
PPrroodduucctt ssuuppppoorrtt
Select “
UUnniivveerrssaall RReemmoottee CCoonnttrroollss
tthhee OONNEE FFOORR AALLLL rreemmoottee
you want to
upgrade: URC-9040 (PC Media Remote).
Select ‘
IInntteerrnneett DDoowwnnllooaadd
Now you have entered our special Online Download section.
From this point just follow the instructions on the screen for easy upgrade of your remote.
PPhhoonnee uuppggrraaddee
(Upgrade your URC-9040 remote…via your phone)
Alternatively ring our consumer help-line and one of our customer
service representatives will assist you through the entire process of
upgrading your URC-9040 Remote. To ensure the process goes
smoothly, here are a few steps to follow:
Write down the brand name(s) and model number(s) of your
device(s) (see the table provided on the Consumer Service
page) before you call.
Ring our consumer help-line and explain which device(s) you would like
to add to your URC-9040 Remote.
After our customer service agent records the brand name(s) and model number(s) of your device(s),
he/she will lead you through the set up procedure and then will ask you to hold the URC-9040
Remote to the speaker portion of your telephone (see diagram below). In doing this, the information
needed for your device is transferred through the telephone into your URC-9040 Remote in a matter
of seconds.
IIMMPPOORRTTAANNTT:: ccoorrddlleessss tteelleepphhoonneess,, ssppeeaakkeerr tteelleepphhoonneess aanndd mmoobbiillee tteelleepphhoonneess aarree
nnoott rreeccoommmmeennddeedd..
After your URC-9040 Remote has been upgraded by telephone, stay on the line. Our customer service
agent will ensure that your URC-9040 Remote is working properly with your device(s) and will answer
any other questions you may have.
EExxttrraa FFeeaattuurreess

Brauchen Sie Hilfe? Stellen Sie Ihre Frage.


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