Shop Tones
Selecting this menu launches the Web browser to the
Cingular Tones menu.
Press the [Menu] Soft key, select 5.Cingular Mall, and then
select 1.Shop Tones.
Shop Games
Selecting this menu launches the Web browser to the
Cingular Games menu.
Press the [Game] Soft key, select 5.Cingular Mall, and then
select 2.Shop Games.
Shop Graphics
Selecting this menu launches the Web browser to the
Cingular Graphics menu.
Press the [Menu] Soft key, select 5.Cingular Mall, and then
select 3.Shop Graphics.
Shop Multimedia
Selecting this menu launches the Web browser to the
Cingular Multimedia menu.
Press the [Menu] Soft key, select 5.Cingular Mall, and then
select 4.Shop Multimedia.
Shop Applications
Selecting this menu launches the Web browser to the
Cingular Applications menu.
Press the [Menu] Soft key, select 5.Cingular Mall, and then
select 5.Shop Applications.
MEdia Net Home
For further details about 4.MEdia Net, see page 55.
Cingular Mall
As Cingular does not support this service, you may not
access Shop Multimedia.
As Cingular does not support this service, you may not
access Shop Application.