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Dragon Spawn
This variant gives characters the opportunity to encounter
dragon scales earlier in the game.
After the game setup is complete, the character who will take
the first turn reveals a random dragon token from the pool
until a dragon scale is drawn; any Dragon Strike, Dragon
Rage, or Dragon Slumber tokens that were drawn are kept
faceup next to the pool. The character rolls 1 die and places
the dragon scale that many spaces away clockwise from his
start space following the normal rules for placing dragon
scales: If the space already has a dragon scale, it is placed in
the next space counterclockwise that does not already have a
dragon scale. The character then draws another dragon token,
rolls 1 die, and places the dragon scale that many spaces
away counterclockwise from his start space.
The next character continues the process of drawing a dragon
token and placing the dragon scale clockwise and counter-
clockwise from his start space until each character has placed
two dragon scales on the board. Any Dragon Strike, Dragon
Rage, or Dragon Slumber tokens that were drawn are now
returned to the pool facedown and randomized. After these
steps have been carried out, the game is ready to begin!
Each deck of Dragon Cards features different
challenges and rewards. As players discover
the themes of each deck, they will learn which
encounters are best suited for their character.
When a dragon scale that matches the Dragon
King is on a space, all of the instructions on
the space are ignored. Characters can use this
to their advantage and have encounters on
spaces that they would normally avoid, such
as the Deserts in the Middle Region. Characters
should also be aware when dragon scales may
nullify vital spaces, such as the Healer in the
If a space has a dragon scale and an Adventure
Card has already been placed on the space,
courageous characters may choose to encoun-
ter the dragon scale instead of the space. This
allows the character to draw a Dragon Card as
well as encounter the Adventure Card that is
already on the space. Encountering multiple
cards during a turn is a powerful advantage
which is similar to gaining an extra turn.
If a space has a dragon scale and an Enemy
has already been placed on the space, cautious
characters may choose to encounter the space
instead of the dragon scale (as long as the
dragon scale does not match the Dragon King).
Avoiding the dragon scale prevents unexpected
dangers from being placed on the space, such
as drawing another Enemy.
Collecting dragon scales from each of the three
Draconic Lords will help protect against unex-
pected Dragon Rage attacks.
The effects of some Dragon Cards become
more powerful depending on which Draconic
Lord is the Dragon King. Encountering dragon
scales that match the current Dragon King may
become even more dangerous than normal.
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