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Rat Queens Lair
The Rat Queen makes her lair in the foul and fetid sewers
under the City. She sends her endless tide of children into the
overworld to steal what they can for her putrid nest.
Each Enemy encountered within the Rat Queens Lair with
“Rat” in its title adds 1 to its Strength during battle.
Wraith Lord’s Domain
The Wraith Lord rules over dank crypts and endless catacombs
with terror and eldritch might. Those who seek to plunder his
tomb must face his terrible power.
Each Spirit encountered within the Wraith Lord’s Domain adds
1 to its Craft during psychic combat.
Encounters in Realms
A character in a Realm cannot encounter other characters but
must follow the instructions on his space.
Entering the Realms
A character can enter the Rat Queen’s Lair by
moving into either Rat Run or Old Sewers from
an adjacent space in the City, following the
arrows. Characters can enter the Wraith Lord’s
Domain by moving into either Skull Passage
or Catacombs from an adjacent space in the
Dungeon, following the arrows. When a character enters a
Realm, he must immediately end his movement.
Movement in the Realms
Before a character rolls a die for movement he must choose to
either ESCAPE or PRESS ON.
If a character chooses to escape, he must roll for movement as
normal and move directly against the arrow (into an adjacent
Region), following the normal movement rules for that Region.
If a character chooses to press on, he does not roll a die for
movement, but instead follows the instructions on his space,
which are detailed below.
Rat Run and Skull Passage
When a character encounters Rat Run or Skull Passage, he
draws 2 cards from the Bridge deck and adds them faceup to his
space. When his turn ends, he takes all cards on the space and
shuffles them into the Bridge deck. When a character on Rat
Run or Skull Passage chooses to press on, he moves one space
across the bridge; either from Rat Run to Skull Passage, or from
Skull Passage to Rat Run.
Example: The Tavern
Maid begins her turn on
Skull Passage. She may
choose to either escape
or press on. If she
decides to press on, she
moves one space to Rat
Run (A). If she decides
to escape, she rolls for
movement and moves
that many spaces out into the Dungeon (B).
Old Sewers and Catacombs
When a character enters the Old Sewers or the Catacombs,
he immediately takes the top 3 cards of the Tunnel deck and
places them in a facedown stack in front of him.
When a character on the Old Sewers or the Catacombs chooses
to press on and has any cards remaining in his stack, he
encounters the top card of his stack (turning it faceup if it
is facedown). When a character on the Old Sewers or the
Catacombs chooses to press on and has no cards remaining
in his stack, he moves forward one space following the arrow;
from the Old Sewers to the Rat’s Nest, or from the Catacombs to
the Throne Room.
A character cannot encounter Adventure cards on the Old
Sewers or Catacombs while he has cards remaining in his
stack. After a character encounters and removes the last card
in his stack, he then encounters all cards on his space before
ending his turn.
When a character on the Old Sewers or Catacombs chooses to
escape, or otherwise leaves his space, he discards all Tunnel
cards remaining in his stack.
Rats Nest
When a character encounters the Rat’s Nest, he cannot take
any Objects on the space and instead fights the Rat Queen in
battle. The Rat Queen cannot be evaded and Followers, Spells,
or Objects cannot fight in the character’s place. The Rat Queen
has a Strength of 3 and adds 1 to her Strength during battle for
each Object on the Rat’s Nest.
If a character defeats the Rat Queen, he takes one Object of his
choice from the remaining Objects on the Rat’s Nest and then
teleports to any space in the Outer Region. If a character is
defeated by the Rat Queen, he must ditch one of his Objects at
1a 1b

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