PENTAGRAM horNet Wi-Fi PCI [P 6121-L7]
Profile configuration –Auth \ Encry tab.
On this tab you can configure the authentication and encryption parameters required for
connection with a secured wireless network. You must obtain this information from the wireless
network administrator. The tab layout depends on the value selected from the Authentication
• Open – Connection to an open wireless network does not require authentication. Data in
such networks are not encrypted or the WEP protocol is used for encryption.
• Shared – Authentication is performed after the station submits the WEP key via a secure
channel (independent of the wireless communication channel 802.11). The WEP protocol is
used for encrypting data sent in such a network as well.
• WPA (CCKM capable) and WPA2 (CCKM capable) – (Windows 2000/XP); Authentication is
performed using an 802.1x protocol, and the TKIP and AES algorithms are (respectively)
used for encryption of transmitted data. They are safer than WEP encryption. CCKM capable
means that the CCKM (Cisco Central Key Management) function is supported. It enables
quick switching between wireless network access points based on Cisco network hardware.
• WPA and WPA2 – (Windows Vista/7); Authentication is performed using an 802.1x protocol,
and the TKIP and AES algorithms are (respectively) used for encryption of transmitted data.
They are safer than WEP encryption. These modes are incompatible with the CCKM (Cisco
Central Key Management) function, which enables quick switching between wireless
network access points based on Cisco network hardware.
• WPA-PSK and WPA2-PSK – Authentication is performed after the station submits the WPA
Preshared Key. The TKIP and AES algorithms are (respectively) used for encryption of
transmitted data. They are safer than WEP encryption. These modes are incompatible with
the CCKM (Cisco Central Key Management) function, which enables quick switching between
wireless network access points based on Cisco network hardware.
• CCKM – (Windows Vista/7); Authentication is performed using an 802.1x protocol. The
transmitted data are encrypted with (depending on the network settings) WEP, TKIP or AES
algorithms. This mode is compatible with the CCKM (Cisco Central Key Management)
function, which enables quick switching between wireless network access points based on
Cisco network hardware.
• WAPI PSK – Authentication is performed after the station submits the WAPI key. The
transmitted data are encrypted with the SMS4 algorithm. It is stronger than WEP encryption,
but not as strong as AES.
• WAPI CERT – Authentication is performed using the authenticating server – ASU
(Authentication Service Unit). The transmitted data are encrypted with the SMS4 algorithm.
It is stronger than WEP encryption, but not as strong as AES.