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1.5 Train Dogs to be Calm at
the Door, or Other Distracting
Item 1: Dog bed or small rug where you
will send your dog.
You’ll be sending your dog to a specific
spot or place on cue. The best type of
“place” to use is a surface that’s large
enough for your dog to comfortably lie
down. Some examples include a dog bed or
a small rug. Throughout this program, we
will refer to the bed or rug as a rug.
If you have a rug that your dog is already
used to lying on, make sure there has been
no history of yelling or forcing him onto the
rug; otherwise the training may take much
We want your dog to think of the rug and
machine as a special treat only available
for a limited time. If they're available
whenever he wants, then he may learn
that it’s okay to get off at-will because he
can just get back on to receive his reward
later on. In fact, in the clinical trial testing
of this product, some owners accidentally
trained their dogs to run to the door to see
the guest, then to go back at their leisure
in order to get a treat.
Item 2: Choose the final location for the
Ultimately, this spot will be located about 3-10 feet from the door and within sight
of the door or distracting location. During early practice sessions you can put it in
a more convenient practice location.
1.6 Other Uses for the Treat&Train™ System
Besides the uses described here, the Treat&Train™ system has a limitless number
of uses. For more information and to see videos, visit www.treatntrain.com.
1.3 Training Dogs to Be Calm
and Quiet in Other Distracting
Fortunately, the Treat&Train™ system’s
step-by-step program for training dogs to
lie calmly in the face of high distractions
can be used for many types of situations
where we need dogs to remain calm.
Examples include:
in the car,
in a travel carrier, crate or kennel, or
separated in another room,
at dinnertime when everyone wants to eat in peace, and
whenever you want Fido present with you but calm and quiet.
1.4 Training is Divided Into Five Games
The Treat&Train™ system program for training dogs to be calm in high distraction
situations is broken into five core games. Each of these game takes an average of 1-5
days to complete. You can practice in short 10- to 20-minute sessions. Train during low
stress times such as during TV commercial breaks so that you can keep the sessions
short, fun, and relaxing. End sessions while both you and your dog are still having fun.
Game 1: Tone means a treat is coming: In this game, the dog learns that the
tone from the machine means a treats is coming. All dogs need to go through
this stage of training.
Game 2: Targeting: Here Fido learns that if he runs and touches his nose to a
target, he’ll hear the tone, which means he can run and get his food reward.
This game is important for several reasons. 1) It's helpful for training dogs to
run to their specific spot on cue where they can lie down. This way you don't
have to walk with them to their rug. 2) it will help break up the repetitiveness
of the Down-stay and Down-stay with distractions games (Games 3 and 5),
and 3) it’s also a useful behavior for teaching many tricks, training dogs to
heel, and for providing exercise.
Game 3: Down-stay: This is the first game that rewards Fido for lying down on
a rug or other specified location.
Game 4: Place: This game teaches your dog to run to a rug or bed on cue to
lie down.
Game 5: Down-stay with distractions: In Game 3, dogs learn to remain lying
down on a rug. To lie down in the face of distractions, such as people running
around, toys bouncing, and doorbells ringing, most dogs have to go through
Game 5, too. As an added bonus, the steps that we go through to teach dogs
to ignore these distractions are also useful for training dogs to enjoy things
that they used to dislike—such as being groomed.
Once these games are completed, you have the option to fade the machine out so
that you don’t need it anymore.
Train during low stress times
such as during TV commercials.
Keep the sessions short,
fun and relaxing.
Until you’ve completed the entire
training program, only keep the
Treat&Train™ system and the rug
out during training sessions.
Training Overview
Training Overview
Use a rug or dog bed that’s
large enough for your dog to
comfortably lie down on.
Rug or bed selected?
Final location selected?
Practice location selected?

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Petsafe Treat and Train Bedienungsanleitung - Deutsch - 9 seiten

Petsafe Treat and Train Bedienungsanleitung - Holländisch - 9 seiten

Petsafe Treat and Train Bedienungsanleitung - Französisch - 58 seiten

Petsafe Treat and Train Bedienungsanleitung - Spanisch - 9 seiten

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