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rewards for unwanted behaviors equally as quickly. For instance if your dog starts
to bark at you to get you to give him a treat, you should turn your head or body
away from him—whichever he’ll perceive
best as removal of attention—and you
should do it as soon as he starts barking
or, better yet, right before he gets that first
bark off!
2.3 Motivation
Like people, different dogs are motivated
by different things. Some dogs like to play
with toys, others like praise and petting,
and still others will do anything for food.
In this program, we’ll take all of these
motivators or reinforcers into consideration
and use them to our advantage. But the
main reward we’ll use initially for all
training steps is food. That’s because with
food, we can reinforce a lot within a short
span of time; which, in turn means more
efficient training.
Not surprisingly, preparing your dog to
earn his food or treats is key to successful
and efficient training in this program. Dogs
that love the training treats or food will
have an attitude that says they like the
pay. They’ll be engrossed in the training.
Those that are pickier about eating or
have not been properly prepped may look
lackluster, make more mistakes, or appear
stubborn or stupid. In other words, what
people interpret as stubborn or stupid
is often just a lack of motivation for the
rewards that you are using!
2.4 Turning Regular Meals Into
a Flurry of Fun
As pointed out earlier, some dogs will eat
anywhere and anytime, whereas others
are pickier. This pickiness causes some
owners to claim their dogs don’t like
food. However, all dogs are motivated
to eat because they have to eat in order
to survive. It’s just that some dogs have
learned, just like kids holding out for dessert, that if they wait long enough they
can trade their kibble for cookies. These dogs have to be convinced that their dog
kibble is cool and also in limited supply so that it has more value.
With humans we make food more appealing by placing it in eye-catching packaging
or by doling it out in petite portions and dressing it up with fancy decorations.
These tactics are not likely to impress even the most finicky Fido. Dogs are more
motivated by the actions involved with obtaining their food. By feeding regularly
from the Treat&Train™ system, you’ll turn meal times into a fun, interactive game.
2.5 Keeping Fido Healthy
and Trim
Because you’ll be training Fido using quite
a bit of food, we recommend you use a
nutritionally balanced dry dog food — one
that’s approved through feeding trials for
your dog’s life stage by the Association of
American Feed Control Officials (AAFCO).
(For a list of commercial foods and treats
that work in the Treat&Train™ system,
visit https://drsophiayin.com/app/
If you decide instead to use dog treats,
your sessions should be spread out over
an increased number of days and the total
calorie intake should be subtracted from
Fido’s daily allotment of food. Overall, treats should make up less than 10% of
a dog’s daily food intake. If your dog is not motivated enough for his own kibble
yet and you still want to train but using treats, you can try using a kibble that's
different from his regular food as treats. That way you can train using more
than 10% of his daily allotment and his diet still remains balanced. As a general
recommendation you should gradually get your pet used to new foods since some
dogs get upset stomachs even when switching between different dog foods. In this
instruction manual, when we refer to treats, we mean portions of your dog’s daily
meal (kibble), although higher value foods can be used too.
2.6 Getting Fido Onto Meal Feedings
If your dog’s already on meal feedings and eats his food exuberantly, right away
you’re all set to start training. If you usually leave Fido’s food out all day or for
hours on end, Fido may have learned that food will always be there at his beck
and call so there’s no need to rush to eat it. That is, food is not a valued resource.
This may sound odd but it’s the same with humans too. If you had chocolate and
brownies available all day every day, brownies would not be a good reward for you.
In fact, you might even avoid them. It’s only when the item is somehow limited or
controlled that it comes into demand.
Some dogs are more motivated
by play and attention than food.
We’ll consider all motivators in
this program.
All dogs are motivated to eat
because they have to eat for
Some dogs have learned, just like
kids holding out for dessert, that
if they wait long enough they can
trade their kibble for cookies.
By feeding regularly from the
Treat&Train™ system machine,
you’ll turn meal times into a fun,
interactive game.
How Fido Learns
How Fido Learns
Use a nutritionally balanced dry
dog food — one that’s AAFCO
approved for your dog’s life stage.

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Petsafe Treat and Train Bedienungsanleitung - Spanisch - 9 seiten

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