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Connecting your equipment
Placing the speakers
By connecting the left and right front speakers (L/R), the center speaker (C), the left and right
surround speakers (SL/SR), and the subwoofer (SW), a 5.1 ch surround system can be
To achieve the best possible surround sound, install your speakers as shown below.
Hints on the speaker placement
Where you put your speakers in the room has a big effect on the quality of the sound. The
following guidelines should help you to get the best sound from your system.
The subwoofer can be placed on the floor. Ideally, the other speakers should be at about
ear-level when you’re listening to them. Putting the speakers on the floor (except the
subwoofer), or mounting them very high on a wall is not recommended.
For the best stereo effect, place the front speakers 2 m to 3 m apart, at equal distance from
the TV.
If you’re going to place speakers around your CRT TV, use shielded speakers or place the
speakers at a sufficient distance from your CRT TV.
If you’re using a center speaker, place the front speakers at a wider angle. If not, place
them at a narrower angle.
Place the center speaker above or below the TV so that the sound of the center channel is
localized at the TV screen. Also, make sure the center speaker does not cross the line
formed by the leading edge of the front left and right speakers.
It is best to angle the speakers towards the listening position. The angle depends on the
size of the room. Use less of an angle for bigger rooms.
The optimal positioning for surround speakers is just above ear height. Make sure the
speakers don’t face each other. For DVD-Audio, the speakers should be more directly
behind the listener than for home theater playback.
Try not to place the surround speakers farther away from the listening position than the
front and center speakers. Doing so can weaken the surround sound effect.
Make sure that all speakers are securely installed. This not only improves sound quality,
but also reduces the risk of damage or injury resulting from speakers being knocked over
or falling in the event of external shocks such as earthquakes.
5.1 channel surround system:
Connecting your equipment
Placing the speakers
By connecting the left and right front speakers (L/R), the center speaker (C), the left and right
surround speakers (SL/SR), and the subwoofer (SW), a 5.1 ch surround system can be
To achieve the best possible surround sound, install your speakers as shown below.
Hints on the speaker placement
Where you put your speakers in the room has a big effect on the quality of the sound. The
following guidelines should help you to get the best sound from your system.
The subwoofer can be placed on the floor. Ideally, the other speakers should be at about
ear-level when you’re listening to them. Putting the speakers on the floor (except the
subwoofer), or mounting them very high on a wall is not recommended.
For the best stereo effect, place the front speakers 2 m to 3 m apart, at equal distance from
the TV.
If you’re going to place speakers around your CRT TV, use shielded speakers or place the
speakers at a sufficient distance from your CRT TV.
If you’re using a center speaker, place the front speakers at a wider angle. If not, place
them at a narrower angle.
Place the center speaker above or below the TV so that the sound of the center channel is
localized at the TV screen. Also, make sure the center speaker does not cross the line
formed by the leading edge of the front left and right speakers.
It is best to angle the speakers towards the listening position. The angle depends on the
size of the room. Use less of an angle for bigger rooms.
The optimal positioning for surround speakers is just above ear height. Make sure the
speakers don’t face each other. For DVD-Audio, the speakers should be more directly
behind the listener than for home theater playback.
Try not to place the surround speakers farther away from the listening position than the
front and center speakers. Doing so can weaken the surround sound effect.
Make sure that all speakers are securely installed. This not only improves sound quality,
but also reduces the risk of damage or injury resulting from speakers being knocked over
or falling in the event of external shocks such as earthquakes.
5.1 channel surround system:
Connecting your equipment
Placing the speakers
By connecting the left and right front speakers (L/R), the center speaker (C), the left and right
surround speakers (SL/SR), and the subwoofer (SW), a 5.1 ch surround system can be
To achieve the best possible surround sound, install your speakers as shown below.
Hints on the speaker placement
Where you put your speakers in the room has a big effect on the quality of the sound. The
following guidelines should help you to get the best sound from your system.
The subwoofer can be placed on the floor. Ideally, the other speakers should be at about
ear-level when you’re listening to them. Putting the speakers on the floor (except the
subwoofer), or mounting them very high on a wall is not recommended.
For the best stereo effect, place the front speakers 2 m to 3 m apart, at equal distance from
the TV.
If you’re going to place speakers around your CRT TV, use shielded speakers or place the
speakers at a sufficient distance from your CRT TV.
If you’re using a center speaker, place the front speakers at a wider angle. If not, place
them at a narrower angle.
Place the center speaker above or below the TV so that the sound of the center channel is
localized at the TV screen. Also, make sure the center speaker does not cross the line
formed by the leading edge of the front left and right speakers.
It is best to angle the speakers towards the listening position. The angle depends on the
size of the room. Use less of an angle for bigger rooms.
The optimal positioning for surround speakers is just above ear height. Make sure the
speakers don’t face each other. For DVD-Audio, the speakers should be more directly
behind the listener than for home theater playback.
Try not to place the surround speakers farther away from the listening position than the
front and center speakers. Doing so can weaken the surround sound effect.
Make sure that all speakers are securely installed. This not only improves sound quality,
but also reduces the risk of damage or injury resulting from speakers being knocked over
or falling in the event of external shocks such as earthquakes.
5.1 channel surround system:
Home Menu
The HDMI Setup menu
If your TV supports an audio return channel (ARC) function,
connect your TV and this unit with an HDMI cable and the TV
audio will be inputted into this unit via the HDMI terminal
without the need for an audio cable to be connected.
It is possible to transfer signals from an HDMI connected
player to the TV even when this receiver’s power is on
Use a High Speed HDMI
™ Cable when using the ARC
function. The ARC function may not operate properly with
other HDMI cables.
Select ‘HDMI Setup’ from the Home Menu.
Choose the ‘ARC’ setting you want.
When a TV supporting the HDMI Audio Return Channel
function is connected to the receiver, the sound of the
TV can be input via the HDMI terminal.
ON – The TV’s sound is input via the HDMI terminal.
OFF – The TV’s sound is input from the audio input
terminals other than HDMI inputs.
Choose the ‘Standby Through’ setting you want.
When the receiver is in standby, the HDMI input signal
selected here will be output to the TV by HDMI.
LAST – The HDMI input signal selected previously
will be output.
input signal selected here will be output.
OFF – Signal will not be output during standby.
If the Standby Through setting is not set to OFF,
the power consumption during standby will
Choose the ‘4k60p Setting’ setting you want.
If the TV to be connected using HDMI supports 4K/60p,
you can switch the 4k60p setting in accordance with TV
1. Select an input terminal that you wish to change
settings using
2. Use
to select ‘4k60p’.
3. Use
to select the signal to set.
4:4:4 – Select this setting when connecting to a 4K/
60p 4:4:4 24 bit compatible TV using HDMI. More high
quality video images can be enjoyed.
When the HDMI cable does not support 4K/60p
4:4:4 24 bit (18 Gbps transmission), video image
may not be output properly.
In that case, select 4:2:0 to watch a 4K/60p 4:2:0 24
bit video image.
4:2:0 – Select this setting when connecting to a 4K/
60p 4:2:0 24 bit compatible TV using HDMI.
4. Press
If certain source devices that do not support 4K/60p
4:4:4 24 bit are used and the HDMI terminal is set to
4:4:4, video output from the source device may turn red,
no audio may be output by the source device, or a 3D
signal may not be output by some of the devices. In
these cases, set the HDMI terminal to 4:2:0.
When you’re finished, press
You return to the Home Menu.
Before starting ARC operation
When starting ARC operation, put the TV and this unit in
STANDBY mode after connecting this unit with the TV. Next,
turn ON the power of this unit and then the TV, in this order.
In order to start ARC operation, after connecting this unit to
a TV with an HDMI cable, you will need to switch the input on
the TV to the input mode required to connect to this unit.
Then, you can select a TV program.
The ARC function may not operate even if the above
conditions are met. If this is the case, listen to the TV audio
after connecting this unit and the TV with an audio cable.
The CEC (Consumer Electronic Control) function may
activate when the ARC function is turned ON, causing
power to turn ON and OFF and the input to switch from
one to another. Since this unit does not guarantee
synchronized operation based on the CEC function, we
recommend that you turn OFF the HDMI CONTROL
setting on the connected player. This unit may not operate
properly if the HDMI CONTROL on the player is ON. Refer
to the relevant device’s instruction manual for details. If
this does not work, turn OFF the ARC function.
If this is the case, listen to the TV audio after connecting
this unit and the TV with an audio cable.
In addition, this unit does not guarantee synchronized
operation that allows the TV remote control to operate the
volume (including mute). Use this unit to operate the
volume (including mute).
Turn OFF the power and remove the power cord from the
wall socket when connecting other devices or making
connection changes to this unit. After all connections are
completed, insert the power cord into the wall socket.
If the power cord is connected when the ARC function is
ON, the HDMI will take 2 to 10 seconds to initialize. This
unit cannot be operated during the initialization. During
initialization, the HDMI indicator on the display will blink.
Turn ON the unit after blinking stops.
Home Menu
1.Full Auto MCACC
2.Manual SP Setup
3.Input Assign
4.Auto Power Down
5.HDMI Setup
6.DAB Setup
5.HDMI Setup
b.Standby Through
c.4k60p Setting
HDMI-asetuksien valikko
Jos TV:si tukee audion paluukanavaa (ARC), kytke TV ja
vastaanotin HDMI-kaapelilla, jolloin TV:n ääni siiretään
vastaanottimelle HDMI-liitännän kautta ilman erillisiä
HDMI:llä kytketyn laitteen signaalit voidaan välittää TV:lle,
vaikka vastaanotin olisi valmiustilassa.
ARC-toiminto vaatii High Speed HDMI-kaapelin käyttöä.
Tavallisella HDMI-kaapelilla ARC-toiminto ei välttämättä
1 Valitse kotivalikosta HDMI Setup.
2 Valitse haluamasi asetus ’ARC’
Kun vastaanottimeen on kytketty HDMI ARC
-toimintoa tukeva TV, sen ääni voidaan siirtää HDMI-
liitännän kautta.
ON – TV:n ääni tulee HDMI-liitännän kautta.
OFF – TV:n ääni tulee muun audion tuloliitännän
kuin HDMI:n kautta.
3 Valitse haluamasi’Standby Through’ -asetus.
Kun vastaanotin on valmiustilassa, näin valittu
signaali välitetään sen tuloliittännästä TV:lle HDMI:n
LAST – Viimeksi valitttu HDMI-signaali lähetetään
valittu HDMI-tulosignaali välitetään
OFF – Signaalia ei välitetä valmiustilan aikana.
- Jos Standby Through on muu kuin OFF,
virrankulutus lisääntyy valmiustilan aikana.
4 Valitse haluamasi ’4k60p’-asetus
Jos HDMI:llä kytketty TV tukee 4K60p, voit vaihtaa
4K60p-asetuksen TV.n suorituskyvyn mukaiseksi.
1. Valitse näppäimillä tuloliitäntä, jonka asetuksia
haluat vaihtaa.
2. Valitse näppäimillä ’4k60p’.
3. Valitse näppäimillä asetettava signaali.
4:4:4 – Valitse tämä asetus, kun kytkeydyt HDMI:llä
televisioon, joka tukee 4K/60p 4:4:4 24 bit. Nauti
paremmasta kuvanlaadusta.
- Jos HDMI-kaapeli ei tue 4K/60p 4:4:4 24 bit
(18 Gbps transmissio), videokuva ei ehkä näy
kunnolla. Sellaisessa tapauksessa valitse 4:2:0 ja
katso videokuvaa 4K/60 p 4:2:0 24 bit.
4:2:0 – Valitse tämä asetus, kun kytkeydyt HDMI:llä
televisioon, joka tukee 4K/60p 4:2:0 24 bit.
4. Paina
Jos käytetään tiettyjä lähdelaitteita, jotka eivät tue
4K/60p 4:4:4 24 bit ja HDMI-liitännän asetus on 4:4:4,
lähdelaitteesta tuleva videokuva voi olla punainen
tai ääntä ei kuulu tai joistakin laitteista ei lähde
3D-signaalia. Tällaisissa tapauksissa HDMI-liitännän
asetuksen tulee olla 4:2:0.
5 Kun olet valmis, paina
Palaat kotivalikkoon.
Ennen ARC:n käytön aloittamista
Aseta TV ja tämä vastaanotin ennen ARC:n käytön
aloittamista valmiustilaan niiden HDMI-kaapelilla
kytkemisen jälkeen. Seuraavaksi laita virta päälle
vastaanottimeen ja sitten televisioon, tässä
järjestyksessä. Voit käyttää ARC:ia kun valitset television
tuloliitännäksi sen liitännän, johon olet kytkenyt
ARC-toiminto ei ehkä toimi, jos ei ole menetelty
yllä kuvatulla tavalla. Kuuntele tällöin TV:n audiota
kytkemällä TV vastaanottimeen audiojohdolla.
CEC-toiminto (Consumer Electronic Control) saattaa
aktivoitua kun ARC-toiminto on päällä, jolloin virta
menee päälle ja pois ja tuloliitäntä vaihtuu. Koska
tämän laitteen CEC-toimintoon perustuva synkronisoitu
toiminta ei ole taattu, suosittelemme kytketyn soittimen
HDMI Control’in kytkemistä tilaan OFF. Vastaanotin ei
ehkä toimi oikein, jos soittimen HDMI Control on ON.
Katso tarvittaessa toisen laitten ohjeista lisää. Jos
ratkaisua ei löydy, vaihda ARC:n tilaksi OFF. Kuuntele
tällöin TV:n audiota kytkemällä TV vastaanottimeen
Tämä laite ei myöskään tue synkronisoitua toimintoa,
jossa TV:n kaukosäädin ohjaa volyymia ja mykistystä.
Säädä volyymi ja mykistys tällä laitteella.
Sammuta virta ja irrota verkkojohto seinäkoskettimesta
kytkiessäsi muita laitteita tai vaihtaessa kytkentöjä
vastaanottimeen. Aseta virtajohto seinäkoskettimeen
vasta kun kytkennät ovat valmiit.
Jos virtajohto kytketään ja ARC-toiminto on päällä,
HDMI:n alustus kestää 2-10 sekuntia. Tänä aikana
laitetta ei voi käyttää. Alustuksen aikana näyttöruudun
HDMI-merkkivalo vilkkuu. Kytke virta kokonaan päälle
kun vilkkuminen loppuu.

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Pioneer VSX-531D Bedienungsanleitung - Deutsch - 41 seiten

Pioneer VSX-531D Bedienungsanleitung - Englisch - 41 seiten

Pioneer VSX-531D Bedienungsanleitung - Holländisch - 41 seiten

Pioneer VSX-531D Bedienungsanleitung - Französisch - 41 seiten

Pioneer VSX-531D Bedienungsanleitung - Italienisch - 41 seiten

Pioneer VSX-531D Bedienungsanleitung - Spanisch - 41 seiten

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