4.3. Priority Scanning
Priority Scanning will switch between the channels stored in memory and
channel 16. Channel 16 is the priority channel and will be scanned after each
channel stored in memory.
Select a desired channel to be scanned by using the “UP” or “DN” KEY.
Press the “R/D” KEY to save the channel into radio’s memory. “MEM” will
appear in the LCD.
Repeat the first step for all the desired channels to be scanned.
To delete a channel from the radio’s memory, press the “R/D” KEY again
while the memorized channel is displayed on the LCD. The “MEM” will disap-
pear from the LCD.
The channels programmed into the radio’s memory will remain even if the
power is turned off. See section below on “Clearing The Radios Memory”.
To start priority scanning press the “PSC” KEY. Scanning will advance from
the lowest to the highest channel number in memory and will stop where a
signal is received.
To stop scanning press again the “PSC” KEY.
4.4. Clearing The Radios Memory
To erase all the channels that are stored in memory for scanning:
Press and hold the “CLR” KEY and the “UP” KEY while simultaneously switch-
ing on the power.
4.5. Transmitting
Before transmitting, be sure that the channel is not being used.
Select desired power by pressing the “H/L” KEY. The display will show “HI”
for high power or “LO” for low power.
Press the “PTT” (Push-To-Talk) switch on the radio . The TX indicator (red
LED) will light while transmitting. Speak slowly and clearly into the unit.
When receiving a call, wait until the call is finished before transmitting. The
radio cannot transmit and receive simultaneously.
Always release the “PTT” KEY immediately upon completion of transmis-