1. If the battery i s weak. a “ ” sign will appear on display. The ba t tery
should be repla c ed
2. The mark or sign“ ” nex t to the t est lead jacks is for warning
that the input voltag e or curren t should not ex ceed the indicated valu es.
This is to prev ent damage to in t er nal circuit ry.
3. The FUNCTION switch should be set to the ra nge to be u s ed before
4.1 DC Voltage Measurement
1) set the FUNCTION sw itc h t o “V ” range .
2) Co nnect the black test lead to t h e “ COM” jack a nd the red test lead to
the “ VΩ” jack.
3) Connect the test leads a c r oss t he source or load un der
1. I f the voltage range is not know n beforehand. set the FUNCTION
switch to the highes t range and work down .
2. when “ 1” is display, overrange is being ind icated and the FUNCTION
switch must be se t to a higher ra nge .
3. Don’ t apply more t ha n DC 1000V to the input, indication is po ss ibl e
at higher voltag e but ther e is dang er of damaging the internal cir c u it r y .
4. Use extreme caution to avo id cont ac t w ith high tension circuit s whe n
measuring high voltage
4.2 AC V oltage Measurement
1) Set the FUNC TI ON s w itc h to “V~” range.
2) Co nnect the black test lead to t h e “ COM” jack a nd the red test lead to
the “ VΩ” jack.
3) Connect the test leads a c r oss t he source or load un der
1. Don’ t apply more than 700Vr ms AC t o the input ,indication is
possible at higher voltage but there is danger of damaging the internal
circuity .
2. Use extreme caution to avoid cont act with high tension c ircuits w hen
measuring high voltage.
4.3 DC current Measurement
(1) Set the FUNCTION switch to “ A ” range .
(2) Connect the blac k tes t lead to the “COM ” jack and the red test lead
to the “mA” jack for a m ax im u m of 200 mA . For a m ax im um of
20A ,move the red test lead to “ 20A ” ja c k .
(3) Connect the test leads in serie s w ith t he load under measure m ent.
1. If the current range is not know n beforehand, s e t the FUNCTION
switch to high range and w ork down.
2. when “ 1” is display, overrange is being indi c ated an d the FUNCTI ON
switch must be se t to a higher ra nge.
3. The maximum input current is 2 00mA, 20A depending upon the jack
used .Ex ces sive curr ent w ill blow the fuse and must be r eplaced . The
fuse rating shou ld be 200mA o r 20A and no more to preve nt damage to
the internal cir cuitry .
4.4 AC Current Measurement
(1) Set the FUNCTION sw itch to “ A~” range.
(2) Connect the black test lead t o the “ COM” jack and the red test
lead to the “ mA ” jack for a maximum of 200 mA . For a maximum of
20A ,move the red test lead to “ 20A ” jac k.
(3) Connect the test lead s in series with the load under
Note :
1. If the current range is not know n beforehand, s e t the FUNCTION
switch to high range and w ork down.
2. when “ 1” is display, overrange is being indi c ated an d the FUNCTI ON
switch must be se t to a higher ra nge.
3. The maximum input current is 2 00mA, 20A depending upon the jack
used .Ex ces sive curr ent w ill blow the fuse and must be r eplaced . The
fuse rating shou ld be 200mA o r 20A an d no more to prev ent damage to
the internal cir cuitry .
4.5 Resistance M easurement
(1) Set the FUNCTION sw itch to “Ω ” range .
(2) Connect the black test lead t o the “ COM” jack and the red test
lead to the “ VΩ” ja ck .
(3) Connect the t e st leads across the resistance under
1. I f the resistance value being meas ured exceed s t he maximum value
of the range selected , an over-range indication will be displayed (“ 1”).
Select a higher range. For resistance of approximately 1 Mega-ohm
and above, the meter may take a few seconds to stabilize. This is
normal for high resistan c e rea dings.
2. W hen the input is no t conne cted, i.e. at open circuit, the sign “ 1” will
be displayed for the overrange condition.
When checking in-circuit resistance , be sure the circuit under test has
all power removed and that al l capacitor s are fully dis charged .
4.6 Capacit ance Measurement
(1) Set t he FUNCTION switch to “ F” r ange.
(2) I nser t the capacitor under measu rement into the two jacks “ C-”
and “C+ ” on the front p anel.
Note :
1. Capacitors shou ld be discharge d before being inserted into the
2. When testing larg e cap acitan ce, note that there wil l be a certain t ime
lag before the final ind ication.
3. Do not connect an external vo ltag e or charged c ap acitor (especially
larger cap acitors) to measuring terminals.
4.7 Frequenc y Measureme nt
(1) Set the FUNCTION s w itc h to “ 200KHz” range.
(2) Connect the blac k tes t lead to the “COM ” jack and the red test lead
to the “ VΩ” jack .
(3) Connect the test lea ds to the point under m easure m en t .
4.8 T emperature Measurement
(1) Set the FUNCTION s w itc h t o “℃ ”
(2) Connect the black test lea d o f the sensor to “ T -” jack , the R ED test
to “ T+ ” jack.
Put the sensor pr obe into the te m p erature field under measure m en t .
A. This meter enclosures WRNM-010 type contact thermocouple,
limit temperature is 250 ℃ (300 ℃ shortly ) ;
B. Please don't change the t he rmocouple at w ill , o therwise we can't
guarantee to measur e accura cy ;
C. Do not import any vo ltage in the temperature fun ct ion .
4.9 Diode Measurement and audible continuity test
(1) Set the FUNCTION switch to the “ ” range and connect the
test leads across t he diode under m ea surement, display shows the
approximate forw ard voltage of this diode.
(2) Connect the bla c k test lead to “ COM” jack and the red te s t lead to
the “ VΩ” jack..
(3) Connect the test leads to t w o points of c ir c ui t, if the resistan ce is
lower than approximately 80 Ω ,t h e buzzer sounds.
4.10 Backlight
Press the light button (4) to illumi nate the display , press once ag ain to
turn it of f.
(1) The multimeter is a precision electronic device. Do not tamper
with the circui try to avoid da m age:
A : N ever conn ect more than 10 00V DC or 750 Vr ms AC.
B : Never connect a source of voltage under the condition of
resistance m ea surement .
C : Never operate the meter unless the battery cove r is in place and
fully closed .
D : Battery and / or fuse repla cement should be done af ter t he test
leads have been di sconnected and PO W ER IS OFF .
(2) t ur n off the power if the meter is not in use , re moved the ba ttery i f
the meter is not being used for lon g period .
(3) I f the sign “ ” appear s on the display , open the compartment
cover , re move the battery and replace i t with a b attery of t he sa m e t y pe.
For fuse replace ment follow the sa m e steps .
The guarantee p er iod for PIN -144 amounts to 2 years and co mmences on the date
of purchase. Duri ng the guarant ee period EL TRA NV will repair an y defect s
attributable to material or production faults. EL TRA NV ma y ch oose to either repair
or replace a defectiv e appliance.
EL TRA NV is not obliged to re p ai r or repla ce applianc es if they have beco me
defective as a result of d amage, inappropriat e us e, o r modificatio ns or
adaptations made after the pu r chase date.
T ak e any defective appliance together with the origi na l re ceipt back t o the sh op
where the appliance was sold. Always add a note with a d escription of the