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1Mechanical fret sawDSH .................12
2GeneralSafety Information:................12
3Legend (fig. 1) ......................13
4Description of machine (alsosee fig. 1a and 1b).....13
5Technical data......................14
6Set-upand commissioning of the saw:..........14
6.1 Unpacking (fig. 1a and 1b):................14
6.2Setting upthe saw:....................14
6.3Adjust and setangle display(fig. 2):...........14
6.4 Assembling the airnozzle (fig. 3):.............14
6.5 Connecting the vacuumcleaner(fig. 4):..........15
6.6.1 Clamping in the sawblade (fig. 5a and 5b):........15 Sawblades withcross pin (fig. 5a). ............15 with flatends
(hand orleafsawblades,see fig. 5b):..........15
6.6.2Finely setting the correct saw tensioning (fig. 6):.....15
6.6.3Removing sawblade (fig. 5a and 5b):...........15 Sawblades withcross pin (fig. 5a):............15 with flats ends(fig. 5b):...........15
7Working withthe saw:..................16
7.1 General information for working with mechanical fret saw:.16
7.1.1 Selecting the sawblade:.................16
7.1.2Selecting the speed:...................16
7.1.3Possible causesof faults:.................16 Set sawblade alignment(fig. 2).............16
7.2Sawing (fig. 7)......................16
7.2.1 Inside cuts (fig. 8) .....................16
7.2.2Grain cuts:........................17
8Serviceand maintenance.................17
10EU declaration of conformity:...............17
1Mechanical fret sawDSH:
Using these instructions
makesiteasier to getfamiliar withthe device
prevents malfunctionscaused byimproperhandling,and
lengthens the service life of your device.
Please keep these instructions readilyaccessible atall times.
Usethe device only when youhaveunderstood itexactlyand always
adheretothe instructions.
PROXXON isnotliable for the safe functioning of the device in cases
handling thatdoesnotconformtothe usualusage,
purposesof use notdesignated in the instructions,
disregardofthe safety instructions.
Youare notentitled to guarantee claimsin casesof:
inadequate maintenance.
For your ownsafety,please follow the safety instructionsexactly.
Use onlygenuine PROXXON replacementparts.
Wereservethe right to make improvements in the sense of techni-
cal progress.Wewishyoumuchsuccess withthe device.
2GeneralSafety Information:
CAUTION!When using electricpower tools,the following safe-
ty measuresmust be observed forprotection from electric
shock,risk of injury,and fire hazards.
Readand take note of all these instructionsbeforeyou start
upthe product.Keep thesesafety instructionsin asafe place.
Safe working
Always keep your working areatidy.
1. Disorderin the working area can leadtoaccidents.
Take accountof surrounding influences.
1. Do notexposetools tothe rain.
2.Do not usetoolsin damp or wet surroundings.
3.Ensurethat the lighting isgood.
4. Do not usetoolsin the vicinity of combustible liquidsorgases.
Protect yourself from electricshocks.
1. Avoid bodyparts from coming intocontact with earthed parts.
Keep otherpeople away.
1. Do notletotherpeople,especiallychildren,touchthe tool or the
cable. Keep them well awayfrom the working area.
Keep unused toolsin asafe place.
1. Unused equipment should be keptin adry,closed location out
of the reach of children.
Do notoverloadyour tool.
1. You will beable toworkbetterand safer within the given power
Always usethe correct tool.
1. Do not use lowpowermachinesforheavy work.
- 12-

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