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The areasof application are multifaceted. Your DSH isparticularly
suitable formould construction,precision engineering model build-
ing and toymanufacture. For this reason,itisprecisely the right tool
fordesigners,architects (model building) and carpenters.
The large-area, saw table 9 formitrecuts canbetitled upto 45°,is
manufactured from aluminium die casting for the highest precision
and stability,and is then ground foroptimal glide properties.
The arrangementof the sawblade holders item 2and 10allow the
use of bothsawblades withand without cross pin depending on the
areaof application and the material of the tool. Inthe Proxxon
accessories range you will find the corresponding sawbladesfor the
respectivetask. Werecommend that you use onlyProxxon saw
The replacement sawbladesarestored in the sawblade garage"
12,on the side of the panelling of the top arm.
The DSH saws soft wood uptoathickness of 50mm,plasticupto
30 mm and non-ferrous metals upto 10mm.
The sawcanalsobeused without problem for separating Plexiglas,
GRP,foam,rubber,leatherand cork.
And sothat the dust doesnotobscurethe viewof the cutting line
when working,thereareautomaticallydriven bellows withadjustable
airnozzle 8.Anadditionalvacuumcleanercanalsobeconnected.The
connecting piece 13ispositioned at90°tosavespace.
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5Technical data
No. of strokes:900 or1400/min
Stroke height:19 mm
Max.cutting depth50mm
(in wood) at45° 25 mm
Cutting blade length:127 mm (withcross pin)
125-130 mm (without cross pin)
Noise development:: <70 dB(A)
Vibration < 2.5 m/s
LxBxH53 x 27 x 33 (in cm)
Table:360 x 80mm
Sawframe radius 400 mm
Voltage:220/240Volt,50/60 Hz
For use in dry environments only
Please do notdispose off the machine!
6Set-upand commissioning of the saw:
6.1 Unpacking (fig. 1a and 1b):
1.Unpackthe deviceand remove itfrom the box.Ensurethat the de-
vice isnotlifted by the plasticpanelling around the top arm 16.
2.For transport reasons,the saw table 9 isfolded upatanangle of
about 45°. Turnthe toggle 6 totilt the table back intothe horizon-
tal position (the precisesetting isdescribed below).Then closethe
toggle 6again.
6.2Setting upthe saw:
Safe and precisework isonlypossible withcareful fixing!
1.Securesaw withtwoscrews (Ø6mm,notincluded in scope of de-
livery) on asolid workbench. Usethe drill holesintended for this
purpose (11,fig. 1) whichare located at the frontand back of the
6.3Adjust and setangle display(fig. 2):
1.Slightlyloosen toggle 1 (fig.2)and fold saw table 2 uptostop
screw 3.
2.Clamp sawblade 4! See the corresponding section 6.6.1 of these
instructions.Caution! Mainsplug must notbeconnected.
3.Using anangle 5 on the saw table 2,checkthe right-hand angle
tothe sawblade.The stop screwispreset.Ifthis still has tobead-
justed,youcanadjust the setting yourself using anAllen key 7,as
shown in fig. 2,oncethe counternut hasbeen loosened.Aftercor-
rect setting,tighten the counternut.Make surethat the stop screw
doesnotgo out of position in thisprocess.
4.Checkthe zero” setting of the indicator8,if necessary,correctaf-
ter the fastening screwhasbeen loosened. Forpreciseworking,
carry out sawing sample.
5.Sawasample from apiece of wood and checkthe angle again,if
necessary adjust the saw table 2,indicator8 or stop screw 3 as
shown in fig. 2.
6.4 Assembling the airnozzle (fig. 3):
1.Take parts for securing the airnozzlesfrom the bag.
2.Screw the knurled screw1withclamping pieces 2 intothe saw
3.Introducethe airnozzle pipe 3intothe hole on the opened clamp
pieces,adjust the pipe and slightly tighten the toggle 1.
4.Placethe airhose 4 on pipe 3and nipple 5.
6.5 Connecting the vacuumcleaner(fig. 4):
1.Placethe vacuum hose 1 of the vacuumcleanerin the connecting
2.Switch on the vacuumcleanerbeforesawing sothat the sawdust is
vacuumed and the suction device doesnotgetblocked. Forpracti-
calreasons,the PROXXON suction control device is recommended.
- 14 -

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