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F DO NOT treat inside the NOSTRILS or EARS as these areas are delicate.
F DO NOT use over or near metal fillings, dental implants or braces.
F CAUTION: Avoid treating areas that contain only vellus hairs (very thin, fine hair known as “peach fuzz”)
as this may result in undesired hair re-growth. Remove any visible hair by shaving or trimming. Do not use
wax, epilation, tweezers or depilation products to remove hair before or during the course of treatment
because they counteract the IPL process. If trimming, ensure you trim hair to no more than 0.5mm.
, Changing Treatment Heads
seconds. The Facial Hair Treatment Head is marked with the icon shown in fig. 15.
Fig. 15
To change treatment heads, please follow the instructions provided.
1. TurnthePOWERSWITCHoandunplugthePOWERCORDfromtheelectricaloutlet.
Allow the system to cool down for 5 minutes before attempting to change treatment heads.
2. Hold the Treatment Head with one hand while pressing both Release Buttons with the other hand
and pull gently. Store the unused Treatment Head in a safe location (such as in the packaging) taking
care not to damage the FLASH WINDOW and other components.
3. Gently push the other Treatment Head back into the Hand Piece making sure both side tabs click into
place. NOTE: the longer tab (with gold circuits) must be on top to properly fit.
, Helpful tips for treating facial hair
Test on a Patch of Skin – since facial skin tends to be more sensitive, make sure you test on a small patch
before proceeding. See section ‘Test the i-Light device on your skin’ for details (fig. 7).
Use a Mirror to Guide your Treatments – using a mirror for a good view of the area to be treated and to help
Stretch Skin for Better Skin Contact – the contours of the skin may make it difficult for the skin contact
teeth or use your tongue to stretch your cheeks for better skin contact.
• Forbestresults,avoidoverlappingashes.Thishelpspreventexposuretomoreenergythanis
necessary to suppress hair growth. It also ensures that you get the maximum use of the light cartridge.
• Forthemosteectiveresults,alwaysusethehighestintensitylevelthatdoesnotcausediscomforton
the skin. The level you use should feel warm on your skin, but should never cause discomfort.
• Youmaynoticethatbonyareas,suchaselbows,shins,andankles,aremoresensitiveduringtreatment.
This is normal and should not be cause for alarm. To avoid this sensitivity, try stretching the skin away
from the bony area during treatment.
After treatment, you may experience slight redness or a warm sensation on your skin. This is normal and
will disappear quickly. To avoid irritation to your skin after a treatment, take the following precautions:
• Avoidsunexposurefor24hoursafteratreatment.ProtecttheskinwithSPF30for2weeksafter
each treatment.
• Donotprolongsunexposuresuchassunbathing,usingatanningbed,orself-tanforatleast2weeks
after the last treatment.
• Aftertreatment,keeptheareacleananddryanddrinkplentyofwatertokeepskinhydrated.
• Donothandlethetreatedarearoughly.
• Donottakehotbaths,showers,orusesteamroomsandsaunasfor24hoursaftertreatment.
• Donotswimfor24hoursaftertreatment.
• Donottakepartincontactsportsfor24hoursaftertreatment.
• Donotweartight-ttingclothingoverthetreatedarea.
• Donotdepilate(waxing,plucking,threadingorcreams)duringthetreatment–shavingis
acceptable as long as you avoid shaving 24 hours after each treatment.
• Donotusebleachingcreamsorperfumedproductsfor24hoursaftertreatment.
• Donotscratchorpickatthetreatedarea.
F CAUTION: Before cleaning your i-Light, make sure that the power switch is OFF and the
power cord is disconnected from the base unit.
• Regularcleaninghelpstoensureoptimalresultsandalonglifeforthei-Lightdevice.Theexterior
surface of the base unit and hand piece may be wiped clean with a slightly damp cloth.
• TocleantheFlashWindow,useonlythelint-freeclothincludedwithyouri-Lightdevice.Takecarenot
• Forstubbornstains,useadampenedcottonswabtoapplyasmallamountofwatertotheFlash
Window and clean with the lint-free cloth provided.
• Useasmallhand-heldvacuumtoremovedustanddebrisfromthehandpiecevents.
F WARNING: If the Flash Window is cracked or broken, the unit must not be used. Never scratch the filter
glass or the metallic surface inside the Treatment Head.
F CAUTION: The i-Light is a high voltage device. Never immerse in water. Never clean the unit or any of
because of the risk of fire. Never use scouring pads, abrasive cleaning agents or aggressive liquids such as
oil or acetone to clean the unit.

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