D uring U se:
- Alw ays m ake sure that the flam e w on't go out so that no unburned gas w ill be
- Attention: Butane gas is heavier than air and could collect in low spots. O pen
flam e or sparks could ignite the gas. If you note or assum e that unburned gas
is released, im m ediately set the ignition knob to 0, lift the lock lever back to
O FF and w ait for released gas to dissipate com pletely before re-igniting.
- D o not use pots or pans larger than the drip pan since overheating of the
cartridge storage area m ay occur otherw ise.
- N ever operate the gas cooker w ithout drip pan. Do not carry around during usage.
- M ake sure that burner head w on't be soiled by overflow ing food.
- Adjust flam e w ith the ignition knob as to m ake sure that energy w on't be w asted.
- The air control lever adjusts the height of the flam e -depending on the texture of
the bottom of pot.
If the flam e goes out during usage, this can have various reasons.
Attention: In this case alw ays sw itch the ignition knob back to 0 and lift the lock
lever back to O FF before elim inating the cause!
1. The gas cartridge is em pty insert a new cartridge.
2. The pressure-sensitive safety device w hich is contained in the fuel control unit
has picked up because appliance is overheated let gas cooker cool sufficiently
and re-ignite.
3. Flam e w ent out because of w inds w ait for gas w hich m ight have been released
and has not been burned to dissipate and re-ignite.
4. Burner head (2a) is soiled w ith overflow ing food let the appliance cool and clean
the burner head in accordance w ith our follow ing tips for care and cleaning.
After Use:
-Set the ignition knob to 0 and w ait until the flam e goes out. Then lift the lock lever
back to O FF and rem ove the gas cartridge alw ays.
Recap the gas cartridge and store can in cool, dry place. Storage tem perature m ust not
exceed 50°C. Caution: W hen cars or m obile hom es are in direct sunlight, high
tem peratures can result!
Care And Cleaning:
- -Clean the casing w ith a dam p cloth and a m ild dishw ashing detergent. Do not
im m erse the appliance in w ater! -The drip pan can cleaned w ith a solution of
disw ashing detergent or in the dishw asher.
- -Burner head can be rem oved by unscrew ing the center screw (2b). Then clean the
gas exits w ith a soft brush. Also check the distance betw een the point of the
ignition plug and the burner head, w hich should be around 2-3 m m .