H ob To Dispose The G as Cartridge:
- -M ake sure the gas cartridge is com pletely em pty (by shaking can). Then hand to
the collection center for used m etal. Put the protection cap into plastic recycling
Attention: In no case throw the cartridge into open fires!
Stove Top Grill:
- M odel GG 2000 is equipped w ith non-stick coated stove top grill in the standard
version, w hich expands the variety of uses even m ore.
- First ignite the gas cooker as described and adjust the flam e.
- Pourapproxim ately1/2Iofw aterintow aterpan (10), place the grill surface (11) on
top and put both on the drip pan. M ake sure the stove top grill is positioned
correctly and the flam e does no contact the bottom of the w ater tray.
- Prior to first use grease grill surface, for all further grilling operations this is not
necessary anym ore.
- The stove top grill is slightly locked w ith the drip pan. H ow ever, the appliances
should be protected against shocks during grilling.
- Preheat the stove top grill for approxim ately 3 m in. Afterw ards place food on grill.
- Enjoy healthy and pure grilling pleasure since excess fats drip into the w ater pan
instead of burning. Sm ell and fum e w on't occur, and your food w ill becom e
perfectly tender because of the rising steam .
- Clean the entirely cool stove top grill w ith a solution of dishw ashing detergent or
in your dishw asher. How ever, avoid abrasive cleaners, m etal utensils and
aggressive cleaning pads.
- You can purchase the stove top grill also separately (m odel nam e: GA 300), thus
com pleting your gas burner subsequently.
H ave fun w ith your M O BI Q U ICK!