Never let the engine start or run whilst the air filter is removed.
Pos: 21.12 /Innenteil/Beschreibung der Bauteile/52-S A (SA1626) @ 38\mod_1439379798432_0.docx @ 403977 @ @ 1
52-S A (SA1626)
Pos: 21.13 /Innenteil/Wartung des Motors/Reinigen bzw. Austausch des Luftfilters Text Motor SA26878, SAU11011, SA26879, SAU10191, SAU11035 @ 44\mod_1469429217817_1521.docx @ 505868 @ @ 1
– Loosen the screw on the air-filter cover and swing the cover open downwards.
– Remove the filter element (1) carefully and knock it out on a flat surface or replace
it if very dirty.
– Never lubricate the insert with oil or blow it with compressed air. Severely dirty or
oily filter elements must be replaced.
– Following cleaning or for replacement, insert the filter element into the housing and
seal the cover carefully.
In the case of unfavourable conditions (heavy dust development), the mower must be
cleaned every time it is used, otherwise after 25 operating hours or every year.
(Please see original spare parts and accessories for order no. of filter element)
Pos: 21.14 /Innenteil/Beschreibung der Bauteile/52-PRO S A (SA1649) @ 38\mod_1439379943834_0.docx @ 404004 @ @ 1
52-PRO S A (SA1649)
Pos: 21.15 /Innenteil/Wartung des Motors/Reinigen bzw. Austausch des Luftfilters Text Motor SAU11380, SAU11379 W14 @ 43\mod_1466761835245_1521.docx @ 501211 @ @ 1
– Loosen the nut (1) on the air filter cover (2) and remove the cover.
– Remove the pre-filter (3) and paper filter element (4).
– Clean the paper filter element every 50 operating hours.
Knock gently onto a smooth surface if soiled lightly. Replace if heavily soiled or
damaged. Do not wash out paper filters, nor blow them out with compressed air or
grease them.
– Clean the pre-filter every 50 operating hours.
Wash pre-filters in hot water with liquid detergent, rinse them out in clean water,
press out excess water and allow to dry thoroughly in air. Do not lubricate the pre-
filter with oil.
– Insert the dry pre-filter on the paper filter element and fit both in the air filter plate
(5). Ensure that the air filter sits firmly in the plate.
– Put the cover (2) on the air filter and fasten it with the nut (1) on the air filter plate
In the case of unfavourable operation conditions (severe formation of dust), cleaning is
required after every mowing process. Replace the paper filter element and pre-filter
annually or every 200 operation hours.
(Please see original spare parts and accessories for Order No. of filter element and pre-
Pos: 22.2 /Innenteil/Störungsursachen und deren Beseitigung/1 STÖRUNGSURSACHEN UND DEREN BESEITIGUNG @ 0\mod_1115373523343_1521.docx @ 1904 @ 1 @ 1
Pos: 22.3.1 /Innenteil/Störungsursachen und deren Beseitigung/Störungstabellenelemente/1 Tabellenkopf @ 0\mod_1115374760156_1521.docx @ 1884 @ @ 1
Fault Possible cause Remedy
Pos: 22.3.2 /Innenteil/Störungsursachen und deren Beseitigung/Störungstabellenelemente/Motor springt nicht an 40er, 43er, 47er, 54er (fix speed), @ 44\mod_1469517788676_1521.docx @ 507498 @ @ 1
Engine does not start
Control handle not
turned down.
Press the control handle onto
the upper part of the bar D .
Fuel tank empty. Fill up with
clean and fresh fuel.
Spark plug connector
Push plug connector in place
or have it checked by an
authorised workshop.
Spark plug defective or
soiled or electrodes worn
Replace or clean spark plug,
set electrode distance to 0.5
mm Y .
Too much petrol feed to
engine (spark plug wet).
Have it checked by an
authorised workshop.
Air filter soiled. Clean or replace the air filter
insert W .
Pos: 22.3.3 /Innenteil/Störungsursachen und deren Beseitigung/Störungstabellenelemente/Motorleistung lässt nach @ 33\mod_1408527299785_1521.docx @ 241497 @ @ 1
Engine power
Air filter soiled. Clean or replace the air filter
insert W .
Spark plug clogged with
Have it checked by an
authorised workshop.
Fuel old or soiled Empty the petrol tank and fill
with fresh petrol.
Pos: 22.3.4 /Innenteil/Störungsursachen und deren Beseitigung/Störungstabellenelemente/Motor läuft unregelmäßig @ 0\mod_1127909273145_1521.docx @ 1891 @ @ 1
Engine runs irregularly
Air filter dirty. Clean or replace air filter
insert W .
Spark plug contaminated
with soot.
Have it cleaned by an
authorized dealer.
Have it checked by an
authorized dealer.
Pos: 22.3.5 /Innenteil/Störungsursachen und deren Beseitigung/Störungstabellenelemente/Mäher fährt nicht @ 0\mod_1115376736218_1521.docx @ 1889 @ @ 1
Mower will not move
Drive control bracket not
Pull drive switch bar G .
Have it checked by an
authorized dealer.
Pos: 22.3.6 /Innenteil/Störungsursachen und deren Beseitigung/Störungstabellenelemente/Starke Erschütterungen (Vibrieren) @ 0\mod_1115377318234_1521.docx @ 1900 @ @ 1
Extreme vibration
Have it checked by an
authorized dealer
Pos: 22.3.7 /Innenteil/Störungsursachen und deren Beseitigung/Störungstabellenelemente/Schnitt unsauber, Rasen wird gelb, Benzin MUSTER @ 17\mod_1331728299135_1521.docx @ 134627 @ @ 1
Cut not clean,
lawn turns yellow
Cutting blade blunt. Have it sharpened and
balanced by an authorised
workshop Q.
Cutting height too low. Set higher cutting height I .
Motor speed too low. Have it checked by an
authorized dealer
Mowing speed too high. Adapt mowing speed, switch
motor drive off if necessary.
Insufficient overlap
between mowing lanes.
If grass is long, the mowing
lanes may need to overlap
Lawn matted. A perceptible improvement
can be achieved by using a
Pos: 22.3.8 /Innenteil/Störungsursachen und deren Beseitigung/Störungstabellenelemente/Auswurf verstopft, Benzin, Seitenauswurf, mit Antrieb MUSTER @ 23\mod_1362058094144_1521.docx @ 170270 @ @ 1
Ejector blocked
Motor speed too low. Work at max. speed.
Cutting height too low
with grass too high.
Set higher cutting height I .
Mowing speed too fast. Adapt mowing speed, switch
motor drive off if necessary.
Grass is damp. Allow the lawn to dry.
Pos: 22.3.9 /Innenteil/Störungsursachen und deren Beseitigung/Störungstabellenelemente/Gemulchte Gras sieht schlecht aus Seitenauswurf MUSTER @ 5\mod_1183466802540_1521.docx @ 35937 @ @ 1
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