When this equipment is transported on a load area, a loading ramp should be used for
loading and unloading.
Avoid injuries! Be especially careful when loading or unloading the equipment.
When a trailer is used, we recommend ensuring that it is equipped with stable
Only the marked points on the transport vehicle may be used to secure the
– Park the means of transport on level ground so that the equipment cannot roll
away before it is secured.
– Secure the equipment with approved load-securing devices (e.g. tie-down straps
with clamping elements) on or inside the vehicle. Tie-down straps are belt bands
made of synthetic fibres. Every tie-down strap is marked with a label. The label
contains important details for application. The information on this label must be
heeded when using the tie-down strap.
– For loaded goods that can roll, we recommend using direct strapping with four
lashing straps. For this purpose, the belts are fastened directly on the fastening
points on the equipment (see illustration N4 ) and in the tie-down strapping points
on the loading surface and slightly pre-tensioned.
Do not tighten the belts too firmly. Fixing the equipment too firmly can cause
Pos: 20.14 /Innenteil/Pflege und Wartung des Mähers/1.1 Wartung des Messerbalkens @ 0\mod_1115365509765_1521.docx @ 1823 @ 2 @ 1
Maintenance of the blade
Pos: 20.15 /Innenteil/Pflege und Wartung des Mähers/Wartung des Messerbalkens Text Benzin @ 19\mod_1346246117815_1521.docx @ 149465 @ @ 1
A sharp blade guarantees optimum cutting performance. Before you start mowing,
always check the condition and firm attachment of the cutting blade. The blade
attachment screw must always be tightened by an authorised workshop. If the blade
screw is too tight or too loose, the blade coupling and cutter bar can become damaged
or loose which can lead to serious injuries. A worn or damaged blade must always be
Pos: 20.16 /Innenteil/Pflege und Wartung des Mähers/1.1 Nachschleifen und Auswuchten des Messerbalkens (Abbildung Q) @ 0\mod_1115365616312_1521.docx @ 1815 @ 2 @ 1
Sharpening and balancing the blade (Illustration Q )
Pos: 20.17 /Innenteil/Pflege und Wartung des Mähers/Nachschleifen und Auswuchten des Messerbalkens Hinweis Benzin @ 0\mod_1115618908515_1521.docx @ 1839 @ @ 1
The sharpening and balancing of the blade should be carried out only by an
authorized specialist workshop. An improperly sharpened or unbalanced blade
can cause severe vibrations, and damage the lawnmower.
Pos: 20.18 /Innenteil/Pflege und Wartung des Mähers/Nachschleifen und Auswuchten des Messerbalkens neu Text @ 12\mod_1257776115383_1521.docx @ 98647 @ @ 1
The cutting edges of the cutting blade may be grinded only until the respective value
(see illustration Q ) or the marking (1) on the cutting blade (ring) has been reached.
Attention! Observe the grinding angle of 30°.
Your professional workshop can check this value - (grinding limit) for you!
Pos: 20.19 /Innenteil/Pflege und Wartung des Mähers/Nachschleifenund Auswuchten des Messerbalkens Hinweis Markierung @ 9\mod_1228810807409_1521.docx @ 70873 @ @ 1
A blade by which the wear limit (marking) has been exceeded can break off and
spin away; this can cause severe injuries.
Pos: 20.20 /Innenteil/Pflege und Wartung des Mähers/1.1 Auswechseln des Messerbalkens @ 3\mod_1157368508411_1521.docx @ 18733 @ 2 @ 1
Replacing the blade
Pos: 20.21 /Innenteil/Pflege und Wartung des Mähers/Auswechseln des Messerbalkens Hinweis Benzin neu @ 19\mod_1346311701802_1521.docx @ 153192 @ @ 1
The cutting blade bar must always be replaced by an authorised workshop. A
wrongly assembled cutting blade coupling or a blade screw that is tightened too
tightly or too loosely can allow the cutting blade bar to become loose and cause
severe injuries.
Pos: 20.22 /Innenteil/Pflege und Wartung des Mähers/Auswechseln des Messerbalkens Text Elektro+Benzin neu @ 26\mod_1377172735519_1521.docx @ 191162 @ @ 1
– Only use genuine cutter bars for replacement. Non-equivalent spare parts can
damage the machine and are a safety hazard.
– Replacement cutting tool must be marked permanently with the name and/or
company logo of the manufacturer or supplier and the part number.
Pos: 20.23 /Innenteil/Pflege und Wartung des Mähers/1.1 Wartung der Vorderräder @ 0\mod_1115366416156_1521.docx @ 1820 @ 2 @ 1
Servicing the front wheels
Pos: 20.24 /Innenteil/Pflege und Wartung des Mähers/Wartung der Räder Text 43er, 52er, 54er Profi @ 5\mod_1183627138129_1521.docx @ 36278 @ @ 1
The wheels are equipped with maintenance-free bearings. Maintenance is not required.
Pos: 20.25 /Innenteil/Pflege und Wartung des Mähers/1.1 Wartung des Hinterradantriebs (Abbildung R ) @ 0\mod_1115366513750_1521.docx @ 1822 @ 2 @ 1
Servicing the rear wheel drive (Illustration R )
Pos: 20.26 /Innenteil/Pflege und Wartung des Mähers/Wartung des Hinterradantriebs -1- Text 52-S A/52-PRO S A @ 38\mod_1439548032003_1521.docx @ 405345 @ @ 1
Every 50 operating hours, but at least once a year52-S A (SA1626)grease the wheel
– Pull the drive wheels off after loosening the nuts and removing the dust cap from
the wheel axle.
– Remove the wheel cover, pay attention to the thrust washer.
– Remove any soiling from the wheel cover, the free-wheeling pinion on the gear
shaft and the gear rim on the inside of the wheel.
Pos: 20.27 /Innenteil/Pflege und Wartung des Mähers/Wartung des Hinterradantriebs -2- Hinweis @ 0\mod_1115366592203_1521.docx @ 1856 @ @ 1
Do not remove the free wheel pinion from the gear shaft!
Pos: 20.28 /Innenteil/Pflege und Wartung des Mähers/Wartung des Hinterradantriebs -3- Text 47er/54er Profi H @ 33\mod_1408533097643_1521.docx @ 242649 @ @ 1
– Lubricate the wheel axle using the roller bearing grease "KAJO-Longlife grease
LZR 2". Do not lubricate the free-wheeling pinion and gear rim in the wheel!
– Set the wheel cover in place and push the start-up disc onto the wheel axle. When
putting the drive wheel in place make sure the pinion and gear rim interlock, turn
the wheel on the axle slightly to achieve this if necessary.
– Set the dust cap in place, fix using the hexagon nut and tighten to such an extent
that the wheels can just about turn easily but without play.
Pos: 20.29 /Innenteil/Pflege und Wartung des Mähers/1.1 Wartung des Antriebs @ 2\mod_1144334243564_1521.docx @ 11951 @ 2 @ 1
Servicing the drive
Pos: 20.30 /Innenteil/Pflege und Wartung des Mähers/Wartung des Antriebs Text Fahrantrieb-Bowdenzug wird eingehägt @ 6\mod_1191336079800_1521.docx @ 40235 @ @ 1
– It is absolutely essential that the Bowden cable runs easily for switching on and off,
so that the control drive works perfectly.
Pos: 20.31 /Innenteil/Pflege und Wartung des Mähers/1.1 Auswechseln des Antriebkeilriemens @ 0\mod_1127897064506_1521.docx @ 1812 @ 2 @ 1
Changing the drive V-belt
Pos: 20.32 /Innenteil/Pflege und Wartung des Mähers/Auswechseln des Antriebkeilriemens Text @ 0\mod_1127897128979_1521.docx @ 1826 @ @ 1
The drive V-belt must be replaced by a specialist workshop.
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