2. Confirm pressing OK or V+ button
3. Press P± to select “On”
4. Press MENU button to return to “Picture” menu.
CCoolloouurr TTeemmppeerraattuurree
You can select the factory set colour values
1.Press P± to go to line “Colour Temp.”
2. Confirm pressing OK or V+ buttons
3. Select the colour option you want pressing P±
4. You can return to Picture menu by pressing MENU
PPRREESSEETT PPIICCTTUURREE MMOODDEESS ((aavvaaiillaabbllee ffoorr ssoommee mmooddeellss))::
In the Picture sub menu, the Preset Picture mode can be
selected. The desired preset picture mode can be
chosen from following options: Standard, Dynamic,
Soft, User.
Noise Red.
Noise Red.