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• Considerworkareaenvironment.Donotexposetoolsto
work area welllit. Do not use tools in the presence ot
• Guardagainst electric shock.Avoidbody contact with
earthed or grounded surtaces
• Keep other people away. Do not let others, especially
children, not involved in the work touch the tool or the
extension lead and keep them away from the work area.
• Storeidletools.Whennotinuse,toolsshouldbestored
in a dry locked-up place, out of reach of children.
• Donotforcethetool.Itwilldothejobbetterandsafer
at the rate for which it was intended.
• Usetherighttool.Donotforcesmalltoolstodothejob
of a heavy duty tool. Do not use tools tor purposes not
intended; for example do not use circular saws to cut
tree limbs or logs.
• Dressproperly.Donotwearlooseclothingorjewellery
recommended when working outdoors. Wear protective
hair covering to contain long hair.
• Useprotectiveequipment.Usesafetyglasses.Useface
or dust mask if cutting operations create dust.
• Connectdustextractionequipment.Ifdevicesareprovid
ed for the connection of dust extraction and collecting
equipment, ensure these are connected and properly
• Donot abuse thelead. Neverpull the powercable to
heat, oil and sharp edge.
• Secure work. Where possible use clamps or a vice to
• Don’toverreach.Keepproperfootingandbalanceatall
• Maintaintoolswithcare.Keepcuttingtoolssharpand
clean for better and safer performance. Follow in struc-
tions for lubricating and changing accessories. Inspect
power cables periodically and if damaged have them
replaced by an authorised service facility. Inspect exten-
handles dry, clean and free from oil and grease.
• Disconnecttools.Whennotinuse,beforeservicingand
when changing accessories such as blades, bits, cutters,
disconnect tools from the power supply.
• Remove adjusting keys and wrenches. Form the habit
of checking to see that keys and adjusting wrenches are
removed from the tool before turning it on.
• Avoidunintentionalstarting.Ensureswitchisin‘off’po-
sition when plugging in.
• Useoutdoorextensionleads.Whenthetoolisusedout
doors, use only extension leads intended for outdoor use
and so marked.
• Stayalert.Watchwhatyouaredojng,usecommonsense
and do not operate the tool when you are tired.
• Checkdamagedparts.Beforefurtheruseof thetools,
it should be carefully checked to determine that it will
oper ate properly and perform its intended function.
parts, break age of parts, mounting and any other condi-
tions that may affect its operation. A guard or other part
that is damaged should be properly repaired or replaced
by an authorised service centre unless other wise indicat-
ed in this instruction manual. Do not use the tool if the
switch does not turn on and off.
• Warning.Theuseofanyaccessoryorattachmentother
than one recommended in this instruction manual may
present a risk of personal injury.
• Haveyourtoolrepairedbyaqualiedperson.Thiselec
original spare parts, otherwise this may result in consid-
erable danger to the user.
Additional Safety Rules for Scroll Saws
• Thisscrollsawisintendedforuseindryconditions,and
for indoor use only.
• Donotcutpiecesofmaterialtoosmalltoholdbyhand
outside the blade guard.
• Avoidawkwardhandpositionswhereasuddenslipcould
cause a hand to move into the blade.
• Alwaysusethebladeguardtoavoidpossibleinjurydue
to blade breakage.
• Neverleavethescrollsawworkareawiththepower01),
or before the machine has come to a complete stop.
• Donotperformlayout,assemblyorsetupworkonthe
table while the cutting tool is in operation.
• Neverturnyourscrollsawonbeforeclearingthetable
workpiece and related feed or support devices for the
operation planned.
m Proper use
CE tested machines meet all valid EC machine guidelines as
well as all relevent guidelines for each machine.
• Themachinemustonlybeusedintechnicallyperfect
con dition in accordance with its designated use and the
in structions set out in the operating manual, and only
by safety-conscious persons who are fully aware of the
risks involved in oerating the machine. Any functional
dis orders, especially those affecting the safety of the
• The safety, work and maintenance instructions of the
manufacturer as well as the technical data given in the
calibrations and dimensions must be adhered to.
• Relevant accident prevention regulations and other,
gene rally recognized safety-technical rules must also be
adhered to.
• Themachinemayonlybeused,maintained,andoperat-
ed by persons familiar with it and instructed in its opera-
tion and procedures. Arbitrary alterations to the machine
release the manufacturer from all responsibility for any
resulting damages.
• Themachinemayonlybeusedwithoriginalaccessories
and tools made by the manufacturer.
• Anyotheruseexceedsauthorization.Themanufacturer
is not responsible for any damages resulting from un-
authorized use; risk is the sole responsibility of the op-
m Remaining hazards
The machine has been built using modern technology in accor-
dance with recognized safety rules. Some remaining hazards,
how ever, may still exist.
• Long hair and loose clothing can be hazardous when
the work piece is rotating. Wear personal protective gear
• Sawdustandwoodchipscanbehazardous.Wearper
so nal protective gear such as safety goggles and a dust
• Theuseofincorrectordamagedmainscablescanlead
to injuries caused by electricity.
• Even when all safety measures are taken, some re-

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