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6. Finally, take a good look at the whole SCOTT bike to detect any deforma-
tions, colour changes or cracks.
Ride back very carefully by taking the shortest route possible, even if your
SCOTT bike went through this check without any problems. Do not acceler-
ate or brake hard and do not ride your bike out of the saddle. If you are in doubt
about the performance of your SCOTT bike, have yourself picked up by car
instead of taking any risk.
Back home you need to check your SCOTT bike thoroughly. Damaged parts
must be repaired or replaced. Ask your SCOTT dealer for advice. For more
information on carbon components see the chapter “Carbon – a particular mate-
rial” and the manuals of the component manufacturers on this SCOTT info CD.
Deformed components, especially components made of aluminium, can
break without previous warning. They must not be repaired, i.e. straight-
ened, as this will not reduce the imminent risk of breakage. This applies in
particular to the fork, the handlebars, the stem, the cranks, the seat post and
the pedals. When in doubt, it is always the better choice for your safety to have
these parts replaced. Ask your SCOTT dealer for advice.
If your SCOTT bike is assembled with carbon components, it is imperative
that you have it checked by your SCOTT dealer after an accident or similar
incident. Carbon is extremely strong and durable with very low weight, making
it perfect for the production of high-performance parts. However, one of the
inherent properties of carbon is that possible overstress may compromise the
inner carbon fibre structure without showing any visible deformation, as is the
case with steel or aluminium. A damaged component can fail without previous
warning. Risk of falling!
Make it a rule to check the functioning and in particular the limit stop of the
rear derailleur after a fall or if your SCOTT bike has toppled over.
Realign the components, if necessary, and gently tighten the bolts to ensure
a reliable clamping of the components (a). The maximum torque values are
printed directly on the components or specified in the manuals of the com-
ponent manufacturers on this SCOTT info CD.
For more information see the chapters “Adjusting the SCOTT bike to the rid-
er” and “The headset on the SCOTT bike” and the manuals of the component
manufacturers on this SCOTT info CD.
3. Check whether the chain still runs on the chainwheels and the sprockets. If
your SCOTT bike fell over to the chain side, verify the proper functioning of
the gears. Ask somebody to lift your SCOTT bike by the saddle and care-
fully shift through all the gears. Pay particular attention when switching to
the small gears, making sure the rear derailleur does not get too close to the
spokes (b) as the chain climbs onto the larger sprockets. If the rear derailleur
or the drop-outs/derailleur hanger is bent, the rear derailleur may collide with
the spokes. This in turn can destroy the rear derailleur, the rear wheel or the
Check the function of the front derailleur, as a displaced front derailleur (c)
can throw off the chain, thus interrupting the drive of your SCOTT bike. Risk
of falling!
For more information see the chapter “Gears” and the manuals of the com-
ponent manufacturers on this SCOTT info CD.
4. Make sure the saddle is not out of alignment using the top tube (d) or the
bottom bracket shell as a reference. If necessary, open the clamping, realign
the saddle and retighten the clamping (e).
For more information see the chapters “Adjusting the SCOTT bike to the rid-
er” and “Using quick-releases and thru axles” and the manuals of the compo-
nent manufacturers on this SCOTT info CD.
5. Let your SCOTT bike bounce on the ground from a small height (f). If there
is any rattling, check where it comes from. Check the bearings and bolted
connections, if necessary. Tighten them slightly, if necessary.
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