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Special characteristics of components made of carbon-fibre reinforced plastics,
also referred to as carbon or CRP (d), need to be taken into account. Carbon is
an extremely strong material which combines high resistance with low weight.
After overstress, however, carbon components (e), unlike metal parts, do not
necessarily show durable or visible deformation even though some of the fibres
may be damaged. It is very dangerous to continue using the carbon component
after an impact or undue stress, as it may fail without previous warning thereby
causing an accident with unforeseeable consequences. For this reason we rec-
ommend that you have the component, or to be certain, the entire SCOTT bike
checked by your SCOTT dealer after every incident, such as e.g. a crash.
Replace a damaged component (f) at once! Prevent further use by taking
appropriate measures, i.e. saw the component into pieces. Damaged carbon
frames can possibly be repaired. Contact your SCOTT dealer.
Carbon components must not be exposed to excessive heat. Therefore, never
have a carbon component enamelled or powder-coated. The temperatures re-
quired for enamelling or powder-coating could destroy the component. Do not
leave carbon fibre components near a source of heat or in your car during hot
or sunny weather.
In addition, carbon is sensitive to pressure. Therefore, do not mount your SCOTT
frame on a mounting carrier with inappropriate clamps.
Carbon components have, like all lightweight bike components, a limited service
life. For this reason, have the stem and the handlebars checked at regular inter-
vals (e.g. every three years), even if they have not experienced any undue stress,
such as an accident.
1. Check the rechargeable battery (a+b). Try to remove the rechargeable bat-
tery from its mounting. If the rechargeable battery is no longer properly in its
holder or shows any damage, do not use your SCOTT pedelec any longer, at
least not in the assistance mode. Switch off the drive and the rechargeable
battery separately, if necessary. A damaged battery can lead to a short-cir-
cuit resulting in a sudden failure of the SCOTT pedelec assistance right at the
moment when you need it.
Damage to the outer housing of the rechargeable battery can result in water
or moisture entry which can lead to short circuits or electric shocks. The
rechargeable battery may catch fire or even explode! In such a case, contact
your SCOTT dealer immediately.
For more information see the system instructions of your drive manufacturer
on this SCOTT info CD.
2. Check that all values are displayed properly and fully on the control unit (c) or
the display. Do not use your SCOTT pedelec, if the control unit shows an error
message or a warning. In the case of critical errors the system switches off
automatically. In the case of non-critical errors the system may be still opera-
Do not set off on your SCOTT pedelec when the control unit or the display
shows a warning. In such a case, contact your SCOTT dealer immediately.
For more information see the system instructions of your drive manufacturer
on this SCOTT info CD.
3. Let your SCOTT pedelec bounce on the ground from a small height. If there
is any rattling, check where it comes from. Check the bearings, the bolts and
Libble nimmt den Missbrauch seiner Dienste sehr ernst. Wir setzen uns dafür ein, derartige Missbrauchsfälle gemäß den Gesetzen Ihres Heimatlandes zu behandeln. Wenn Sie eine Meldung übermitteln, überprüfen wir Ihre Informationen und ergreifen entsprechende Maßnahmen. Wir melden uns nur dann wieder bei Ihnen, wenn wir weitere Einzelheiten wissen müssen oder weitere Informationen für Sie haben.
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