124 Publishing and Sharing
Different approaches can be taken depending on whether you are
publishing flowing or fixed-layout eBooks, and which file format you
wish to publish, i.e. EPUB or Kindle mobi. All the eBook publishing
processes are similar, except that they create different files (i.e., *.mobi,
*.epub (v2), and *.epub (v3)). Kindle publishing additionally requires
the KindleGen program to be installed on your computer.
To publish a flowing or fixed layout eBook:
1. Choose Publish As> from the File menu and select eBook
from the submenu.
2. With the Output menu item selected, from the Profile drop-
down menu select a flowing or fixed option according to the
type of device you want to publish to. Alternatively, ignore
profiles to fully customize settings yourself.
3. From the dialog's Document Info>Metadata menu, add
metadata and an ID (if needed).
4. With the Document Info>Cover menu item selected, for a pre-
designed eBook cover, either enter a path to a picture in the
Use File field or click Use Page and choose a page from your
publication. You can create cover art in PagePlus, PhotoPlus or
5. Click Publish.
6. In the Publish eBook dialog, navigate to the location where you
wish to publish your eBook, then enter a file name in the File
name box. Keep the Save as type drop-down list set to "EPUB
files (*.epub)" or "Kindle files (*.mobi)" as appropriate.
7. Click Save.