10. Measure and tamp
the espresso
• When buying espresso powder, make
sure that the degree of grinding is suita-
ble for portafilter machines. The degree
of grinding must be fine. This is often in-
dicated on the packaging.
• For a single espresso you need approx.
8 - 10 g of espresso powder, for a dou-
ble espresso about 16 - 20 g.
The aim of tamping is to compress the es-
presso powder evenly in the filter1/2. The
surface of the espresso powder should be
even and free from cracks so that the water
is pressed evenly through the espresso pow-
der during extraction. Cracks or thin spots
mean that the water can find its way more
quickly here (“channelling“) - at the expense
of taste.
1. With the coffee spoon9, measure out
approx. 1 small spoonful for a single
espresso. For a double
or 2 cups of es-
presso it is just under 2 spoons. The fil-
should be slightly overfilled.
2. Distribute the espresso powder evenly
in the filter1/2 without pressing on it.
To do this, you can easily tap the porta-
filter19 onto the work surface and
spread it out without pressure, for ex-
ample with a teaspoon.
3. Now place the tamper side of the cof-
fee spoon9 straight onto the espresso
powder from above. Press evenly on
the espresso powder until it reaches ap-
proximately the MAX marking in the fil-
• Even pressure is more important than
strong pressure!
• A pressure of approx. 15 kg is optimal.
You can practice this using a personal
• To avoid cracks: never knock on the
portafilter19 after tamping!
4. Carefully lift off the tamper side of the
coffee spoon9.
5. Wipe off any loose espresso powder
from the edge of the filter1/2.