Pyrolysis explained
FOOD WITH SOME Biscuits, vegetables, cakes You do not need to use
SPATTERING quiches, soufflés pyrolysis feature
FOOD WITH HIGH Meat, fish (in an open dish) Use the pyrolysis feature
SPATTERING stuffed vegetables every 3 oven uses
FOOD THAT Large pieces of meat If a lot of spattering occurs
SPITS BADLY cooked on the spit, duck run the pyrolysis feature
If your oven smokes when it preheats or if there is on or if there is a lot of smoke during
a cooking cycle, run the pyrolysis cycle.
You can also use this feature if there are unpleasant cooking odours when the oven is cold
Do not wait until the oven is coated in grease to clean it.
It is not necessary to run the pyrolysis feature after every use; only clean the oven when
it is dirty.
hen to clean by pyrolysis
Do not wait until the oven is coated in grease to clean it.
- Pyro-cleaning involves heating the oven to a high temperature (pyrolysis) in order to
remove grime and grease that builds up inside the oven due to splashing or dripping dur-
ing cooking. The resulting smoke and smell are removed by a catalyst.
The oven has three pyro-clean cycles suited to all situations.
- An economic cycle that lasts 1h30 (the oven is locked for 2 hours to allow for cool-
ing down). This cycle consumes 25% less the standard pyro-clean cycle. When used regu-
larly (every two or three times you cook meat) this cycle keeps the oven clean under any
- A medium cycle that lasts 1h 45 (the oven is locked for 2hours 15m to allow for
cooling down). This cycle cleans dirty ovens efficiently.
- A super-cleaning cycle that lasts 2 hours (the oven is locked for 2hours 30m to
allow for cooling down). This cycle is for extremely dirty ovens.
- For safety reasons, the door is automatically locked shut after about 2 minutes of
Cleaning the oven