Cosmos fields
In the selection screens USERS, TRAINING PROGRAMS & SCORES (results?) you can select
which information you want to transfer to the PC from the Cosmos. You can also select infor-
mation that you want to delete from the Cosmos memory
After connecting the Cosmos to the Computer all the data in the Cosmos memory is saved &
then displayed in the menu. Use your mouse to select the data. After click the RIGHT FACING
ARROW this will place your in the selection menu to the right. With the LEFT FACING
ARROW you can delete the data from the selection menu.
By placing the file in the selection list you copy the file to the hard drive of
the PC & the original data is still in the Cosmos memory.
Cosmos -> PC The contents of the selection list will be copied from the Cosmos to the
PC hard drive.
Delete Use you mouse to click on the DELETE button & select from the menu a user,
training program or result that you would like to delete from the memory of
the Cosmos computer.
Important! If you delete a user or training program all the associated data
will be removed from the memory of the Cosmos. The pre-programmed Tacx
Team & its users can not be deleted.
To the left are the TEAM & USER DETAILS in the memory of the
Cosmos. To the right is a menu where you can enter the information
you want to transfer. To the lower right are the selection buttons.
Selection screens Cosmos -> PC