pressed once more to confirm the se tting of all digits ( the last digit on the left had
side will stop fla shing).
5. Once the Tariff i s set, plug the Cost C ontrol into the mains supply and then plug
the electrical appliance into the Co st Control.
Note: The appliance should be operated as no rmal - for hint s on this see the “Extra
Notes” section.
13.0 Using the Cost Control
Using the Cost Control is v ery easy. For ex ample: the co st to operate applian ce “X” is
7.00 (DM, £ and e tc.) per day and after 20 day s of operating the applian ce, the
TOTAL COST is 140.00 (DM, £ and etc.), therefore, we can a ssume the follo wing
readings: -
a) Cost per day is:
b) Cost per month is:
c) Cost per year is
d) Total Co st is:
When the monitoring of an ele ctrical appliance is complete ; simply turn th e appliance
off; remove the Cost Con trol from the mains and then remov e the appliance from the
Cost Control. Howev er, should further monitoring be requ ired, then do not remove
the electrical appliance from the Cost Control and mains supply but simply take the
reading with the ele ctrical appliance still plugged in .
Notes: The above illustrations shown a ssume a daily v alue of 7.00 (DM, £ and
etc.) and 7 day s per week, 30 day s a month and 12 mon ths a year (to
alternate between these displays simply press the “COST” key.
“OFL” will be displa yed on the LCD sh ould any cost fore casting reading be
over the 6-digit disp lay range.
As the price of a kWh unit does not change (u nless by the Electr icity
Company), only the Total Cost display (actual electricity used per day,
month and year) requires re setting once the Co st Control has completed a
reading. To reset, press an d hold down the “COST” key (for approximately
4 seconds) w here all values (w ith the e xception of Tariff - cost per kilow att
hour) will be reset to ze ro (as was done in Setting up - step 2, above).
14.0 Replacing batteries
Low power batterie s usually reduces the contrast of the LCD. If the LCD becomes
difficult to read then the battery m ust be repla ced immediately. The Cost Con trol
uses a single LR44 Key Cell Batte ry, 1.5V w hich has an e stimated average lifetime o f
2 years.
To replace the battery , simply follow th ese steps: -
1. Unscrew the screws on the battery cov er and remove (as illustrated be low).
2. Remove old battery and repla ce with a new one of the same size and voltage
whilst observ ing correct polarity .
3. Replace battery co ver and secure back into place.
Bat ter y Cover
Please participa te in the preserv ation of the environment and return all used
batteries to an authorized depot.
15.0 Extra Notes:
The electrical appliance co nnected to the Cost Control should always be ope rated as
normal if forecasting of the cost is required. If an accurate reading per day , month or
year is required the n it is highly recom mended to keep th e appliance plugge d into the
Cost Control and to operate it normally for at least a few days. This is so that it can
take an average o f the power used and its cost ov er the time period.
The longer the Total Cost of an appliance is monitored by the Cost Control, the more
accurate any forecast (day, mon th, year) or Tota l Cost reading will be . There are a
variety of reasons for this, some of them are:
• The power supply to the mains from th e Electricity Company is never con stant
and at some stage will vary slightly . For example, if electricity varies by 1% for
every 1 second of usage and the Cost Control is used for only 5 minutes then the
cost forecast will no t be as ac curate compared to use for 3 hours w ith the same
variation of 1% for ev ery 1 second in the pow er supply.
• Some electrical appliances use more electricity when first turned on than others
and the amount of electricity it uses will decrea se the longer i t left operating
(commonly referred to as “Warming up ”).
Example 1:
A lamp is plugged into the Cost Control and operated every evening:
Day 1, from 18 .00hrs to 2000hr s
Day 2, from 19 .00hrs to 2100hr s
Day 3, from 18 .30hrs to 2030hr s
Assume it costs 1.00 (DM, £ a nd etc.), per hour to run this lamp, the Total Cost at
2000hrs on day 1 would be 2.00(DM, £ and etc.). If Total Cost per day is required
then it will show 24.00 (DM, £ and etc.) - at this poin t the Cost Control is a ssuming
the lamp will be left on all day for 24 hours, but this is no t the case . At 1859h rs on
day 2, the Cost Co ntrol will show the Total Co st as the same at 24.00 (DM, £ and
etc.) but now th e cost per day would have dropped to abo ut 2.00 (DM, £ and etc.) as
it has not been u sed for the last 23 hours. Before the lamp is turned “ON” on day 3,
the Cost Control w ill have taken the total power consumpti on and the length o f time
that it has been turned o ff and averaged them out for an accurate co st per day
reading. This should show 2.00 (DM, £ and etc.) and so you know how much, on
average, the lamp i s costing to operate ev eryday.
Example 2:
Some appliances are constantly turned on and off for varying amounts of time, such
as refrigerators (motors), freezers, TV sets and etc. The power used by each of
these electrical appliance s varies greatly due to the time th e motor is sw itched on and
off, in such cases, it is recommended to ke ep the appliance plugged into the Cost
Control for sev eral days before taki ng the reading. If a r eading is taken after the
appliance has turned on and off only once, then this w ill not be an a ccurate account
of its cost ov er time. It w ill only be an a ccurate rea ding of the cost of pow er that it has
used in total.
Example 3:
Some appliances ar e used infrequentl y, such as power to ols, food processor s/mixers
and so on. In cases like these, it is not recommended to try to work out the average
cost per day, month or y ear. It is much easier to simply see make a note o n how
much it has cost (T otal Cost) each time the appliance ha s been operated.
16.0 Maintenance:
• Check the product for any damages a t regular intervals!
• When cleaning the LCD and ca sing, use a so ft damp cloth only. Do not use
solvents or scouring agen ts.
• Do not submerge this unit in to water.
• Any maintenance or repairs must only be performed by authorized service
personnel being fa miliar with all relev ant regulations.
17.0 Specifications:
• Absolute max . rating (short-time)
- Load : 3600W
- Current : 16A
• Operating voltage : 230VAC/50Hz
• Operating temperature : 0°C to +50°C
• Battery : LR44 1.5V
18.0 Liability Disclaimer:
• The manufacturer and supplier cannot accept any responsibility for any incorrect
readings and any consequence s that occu r should an ina ccurate reading take
• This product is only designed for use only as an indicator for the av erage cost
and average amount of ele ctricity used fo r electrical appli ances. Despite its
accuracy it is n ot officially certified and therefore reading s cannot be u sed as
evidence in any dispute between the E lectricity Company and the user.
• This product is not to be use d for medical purposes or for public informati on.
• The specifications of this product may change without prio r notice.
• This product is not a toy . Keep out of the rea ch of children
• Damage caused by negle ct, misuse or failure to comply with thi s manual will
invalidate the w arranty of this p roduct.
• The manufacturer cannot and w ill not be held liable for any conseq uential
damages caused fo r the above.
• No part of this manual may be reproduced withou t written authoriza tion of the