Apart from services mentioned earlier, there is one service, which is used only for communication between router
and Android type device (phones, etc’). It is called json-rpc and allows to set or get various parameters of the system.
JSON-RPC can execute the same commands, like user through SSH. To sum up, this approach opens wide possibilities in
communication between router and Android. However, there is no separate topic about JSON-RPC in this manual,
because this type of communication is generally not for end-user use.
Each approach has its advantages and disadvantages. In some situations, maybe MQTT publisher works better
than MODBUSD, while in others, MODBUSD will be the better choice. The most versatile manner of system monitoring
and administration is through SSH. The SSH provides complete control of the router. The user can execute commands,
write shell scripts and do many other things. In such case, the user only needs application to connect router through
SSH. The most popular application used in Windows type operating systems is called Putty. If you try to connect to
router from Unix like operating system, you only need to execute ssh command with some arguments, like hostname
and username (in this case – root).
Sometimes the use of SSH is not necessary, so other more conservative services/applications are used. The
complete list of applications and services, which can be used for router administration and monitoring are given below.
It can be seen, that all applications, except MQTT publisher and SNMP supports setting/getting of some system related