Notes on learning: Do not try to perform learning
directly under fluoresce nt lights or in weak lighting
conditions since this could ca use interferen ce with the IR
transmissions. Pl ace the remote control at least 1 metre
[3 feet] from any light source • Av oid copy ing the vo lume
and mute keys on yo ur original re mote co ntrol, unless
you are sure that they activate the same target device;
for ex ample, certain original DVD re mote co ntro ls may
also include a TV volume/mute key: they may have two
different types of codes • Avoid learning VCR ke ys on your
original re mote co ntrol unless you are sure that they
activate the same target device; for example, certain
original TV re mote co ntrols may also include a VCR key:
they may have two different types of codes • Co pying
a key may take up to 3 seconds. Do not release the key
being co pied unless the “
Succe ss” or “ Ke y Lear n Error”
screens are displayed.
If copy ing the rst or second ke ys for a cert ain mode
constantly ca use errors, use the following proc edure:
i. End the learning session by pressing the
EXIT key.
ii. Clear the co mmands learned for this mode.
iii. Verify that the IR LED’s are properly aligned between the
two re mote co ntrols.
iv. Ajust the gap be tween the two re mote co ntrols so as to
reduce or increase the distance (from 15 mm to 50 mm
[1/2 to 2»]).
v. Tr y learning the original re mote co ntrol again for this
If the problem continues for the same key, ve rify that the key
on the original re mote co ntrol was properly learned; does
it send the signals? Do es it activate the target device? Tr y
copying this ke y using a dierent mode. If the learning is
correct, the type of code may be dierent from the others
and ca nnot be co pied in the same mode.
Macro commands
This function permits st oring sequences of co mmands
using the MACRO key. Yo u can progra m and store up
to 3 sequences of succe ssive keystrokes fo r several
keys of yo ur choice. By pressing the re spective Ma cro
digital key, this sequence of succe ssive keystrokes
(IR co mmands) is sent. Any sequence of succe ssive
keystrokes perform ed frequently may be re duced to
only tw o co mmands (MACRO k ey plus one of the 1, 2 o r
3 keys). Fo r ex ample, by pre ssing MACRO and then only
one key , yo u can turn on yo ur TV set, display your fa vorite
channel, turn on yo ur VCR and start a reco rd ing, etc.
You can store a sequence of 10 co mmands fo r each 1, 2
or 3 key.
How to set up a macro
Tip: Se t up yo ur macro on a sheet of paper by
writing down the series of 10 keystr okes (maximum)
that it is co mposed of. As an exa mple, if yo u want to
turn on yo ur TV set to Channel 3 and then turn on a
sate llite receiver to Channel 5, yo u should write down:
MACRO, 1 (for storage for this key), TV (�), 3, SAT ( �),
1. Using the SETUP keys (hold down fo r 7 seconds),
and navigation keys 5, 6, 4, 3, OK , display CODE
SETUP then navigate up to MACRO SETUP (press
OK) then MA CRO KEY SET (press OK) then SELEC T A
2. Press once on the 1, 2 o r 3 k ey to w hich yo u wish to
assign the macro.
The indication SELECT MACRO X MODE? appears.
4. Press once on the desired mode key (TV, DVD,
VCR, etc.) to select the device that will rece ive the
command SELECT MACRO X KEY? is displaye d.
Note: The rst key in the Macro sequence mu st always be
a mode key.
5. Press each of the keys in order that make up the
6. Store the macro by pressing the MACRO key once.
7. The display br iey indicate s PLEASE WA IT before
leaving this mode.
Note: the Macro is aut omatically stored the 10th time the
key is pressed.
8. The display briey indicate s SUCCESS before leaving
this mode.
How to clear a macro
1. Using the SETUP keys (hold down fo r 7 seconds),
and navigation keys 5, 6, 4, 3, OK , display CODE
SETUP then navigate up to MA CRO SETUP (press OK)
then MACRO KEY CLEAR (press OK ) then SELECT A
2. Press once on key 1, 2 or 3 of the macro to be cleared
3. Press OK once.
4. The display briey indicate s SUCCESS before leaving
this mode.
How to use a macro
In normal operat ion, to activat e the Ma cro, press and
release the MACRO key, then (within 20 seconds) press
and re lease key 1, 2 o r 3 to display MACRO X while the
Macro sequence is being run and re mote contro l re turns
to normal function. Wh ile the Ma cro is being ex ecuted,
the re mote contro l must be pointe d at t he devices to b e
Note: if there is no Macro stored for the number key selected,
“Macro X Void “ is displayed .
Notes on macros: The time elapsed between each automatic
command during the execution of a macro is 1/2 second.
For cert ain co mmands, you may have to add pauses in a
macro sequence (for example, to allow the TV set to wa rm
up). Th ese pauses may be adjusted by using the PAUSE key,
followed by a nu mber of seconds from 1 to 9. The rst ke y
stored in a Macro sequence mu st be a Mode key (TV, VC R,
etc. ). The SETUP, HOME CINEMA and MACRO ke ys may
not be included in a Macro. Pr ess SETUP in order to exit
Macro Setup.
Home Cinema Function
The Home Ci nema function uses up to 5 devices with
one mode key: the HOME CINEMA key . Th e 5 devices
correspond to the ve mode keys (TV, DVD, AMP. ..) that
will be associate d with predened keys. T he keys are:
a. Th e 2 progra m keys PROG + / - .
b. The 3 volume VOL + / - keys and the mute ( ) key .
c. The 6 run keys Pl ay, Pa use, St op, Fa st Forw ard, Fast
Rewind and Record 7, 4, 8, =, <, ; .
d. Directional keys: up, down, ri ght and left 5, 6, 4, 3
and the MENU , EXIT, OK keys.
e. For the re maining keys: "base" mode HOME C INEMA
(any one of the other modes).
Exam ple: In Home Cinema mode, you can set up the
PROG +/ ke ys to co ntrol the satellite rece iver, the VOL +/
and ( ) ke ys to co ntrol the amplier, the Ru n ke ys (PLA Y,
PAUSE , etc.) to control the DVD player , the MENU, EXIT , etc.
keys to co ntrol the DVD player , and the other ke ys to co ntrol
the TV set.
How to progra m the Home Cinema function
1. Using the SETUP keys (hold down fo r 7 seconds),
and navigation keys 5, 6, 4, 3, OK , display CODE
SETUP then navigate to HOME CINEMA SETUP (press
OK) then HOME CINEMA SET (press OK ) then PROG/
2. Choose a mode key (TV, DVD, VCR, etc.) fo r the PROG
+ / - keys.
3. Choose a mode key (TV, SAT, AMP , AU DIO, etc.) fo r
the VOL + / - keys.
>RUN KEYS MODE? appears.
4. Choose a mode key (TV, DVD, VCR, etc.) fo r the
7, 4, 8, =, <, ;run keys.
>xxx MENU, OK, EXIT MODE? appears
5. Choose a mode key (TV, DVD, VCR, etc.) fo r the
navigation keys MENU, EXIT , OK.
6. Choose a mode key (TV, DVD, V CR, etc.) fo r the other
remote cont rol keys to be used fo r Home Ci nema
Th e display briey indicate s PLEASE WA IT then
SUCCESS before returning to CODE SETUP .
How to delete the Home Cinema function
1. Using the SETUP keys (hold down fo r 7 seconds),
and navigation keys 5, 6, 4, 3, OK , display CODE
SETUP then navigate to HOME CINEMA SETUP (press
2. Pr ess OK once to display CONFIRM OK TO RESET .
3. Pr ess OK once.
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