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EN - 24
Queson: Why is the shape and height of the loaf dierent each me?
Answer: The shape and height of the loaf depend on the ambient temperature and the quality and amount of ingredients.
Queson: Why does the loaf not rise?
Answer: If you forget the yeast or use too lile yeast or yeast that is too old, the loaf does not rise and stays “at.
Queson: How does the me delay work?
Answer: The me delay cannot be set under 1.50 hours and above 13 hours. The me delay requires a minimum of 1 hour
and 50 minutes to go through all the necessary processes. The ingredients could spoil if they remain in the bread
maker for more than 13 hours without being baked. For further explanaon, see secon “Using the me delay“.
Queson: Why is it not permied to add extra ingredients to the basic ingredients?
Answer: In order to give the dough and/or loaf the correct shape and allow it to rise as it should, the dried currants, etc.
should be added later. Moreover, it is possible that these ingredients are broken up during the kneading process.
They could start to sck to one another, as a result of which they are not distributed evenly through the dough.
You can add these ingredients only aer the rst “beep signal”. You cannot add ingredients when using one
of the quick programmes.
Queson: Is it possible to use fresh milk instead of water?
Answer: Yes this is possible, but do make sure you sll have the same amount of liquid. For example: if a recipe asks for
210 ml of water, you can replace this by 210 ml of milk or 105 ml of water and 105 ml of milk. It is important that
you use the total amount of liquid indicated.
Queson: It is not possible or very dicult to get the loaf out of the baking n, what can I do about that?
Answer: This could be caused by two things. The non-sck coang of your baking n has worn, or the loaf has not yet cooled
down. If the non-sck coang is worn, we recommend purchasing a new baking n. To nd out the exact cause,
we recommend the following: when the bread maker is ready, remove the baking n complete with loaf from the
machine and allow everything to cool on the worktop for 15 to 20 minutes. Then hold the baking n upside down
and gently shake the loaf out of the baking n. Allow the loaf to cool for another 15 minutes on a grille before
slicing it.
Queson: Play has developed on the dough hook. How did this happen and what can I do about it?
Answer: The non-sck coang on the inside of the dough hook is thick, so and not fully hardened yet. This hardening
process takes place when the machine is being used. Due to the pressure created on the dough hook during
kneading, the non-sck coang on the inside becomes thinner and harder, thus creang more space. This takes
place in the rst weeks and is enrely normal. You could say that the dough hook wears out a lile and this will
not go any further than that.
Queson: The dough hook remains stuck in the loaf, what can I do about this?
Answer: Nothing, because it is a good thing that the dough hook remains in the loaf. If this were not the case, it is possible
that a large hole is created at the boom of the loaf. Now, the loaf can cool down, before removing the dough
hook. When the loaf cools down it becomes more rm and no hole will be created in the loaf. When used for the
rst me, it is possible that the dough hook remains in the baking n. This has everything to do with the previous
Queson: How can I clean the inside of my bread maker when the dough has overspilled?
Answer: The inside of the bread maker can be cleaned with an oven cleaner. Make sure the heang element is well
protected. The heang element can be cleaned by having the machine go through a baking programme once
or twice, without any contents. In that case, the heang element burns clean.
Queson: Due to a diet, I am not allowed to eat bread with sugar. Is it possible to make sugar-free bread in the bread maker?
Answer: Yes, this is possible. You can leave the sugar out of the basic recipe. However, do take the following into account.
If you do not use sugar, you should also not add salt. This is necessary for a good leavening process.
Queson: Why is it that my loaf collapses at the moment when the machine goes from leavening to baking?
Answer: This could be caused by two things. It is possible that you used too much yeast or too much water. In most cases,
this is caused by too much water. The recipes in the instrucon manual are basic recipes. It is possible that you used
meal that requires less liquid than indicated. We recommend reducing the amount of liquid by 10 to 20 ml. This
should solve the problem.
Queson: When making raisin bread, all the raisins are at the boom of the loaf. What can I do about this?
Answer: The dough ball is probably too compact to be able to knead the raisins properly through the dough.
Add 10 to 20 ml. of liquid to the basic recipe, so that the dough ball is more supple and it is easier to knead the
raisins through the dough. You should make sure, however, that the raisins themselves are not too wet.
Queson: Why is it that the crust is somemes lighter and somemes darker?
Answer: You can adjust this yourself by means of the “Color” buon. For a light crust you set the appliance to light (L),
for a dark crust you set the appliance to dark (D).
Queson: What has happened when the loaf has reached as high as the lid?
Answer: You used too much yeast and/or sugar, as a result of which more gas bells were created inside the loaf,
making it rise too much.
Queson: Why is it not permied to make bread based on fruit with the “quick” method?
Answer: The yeast me is reduced in this programme and when using more ingredients, the baking me is also aected,
which means that you will not get a good result when using this programme with recipes like this.
Queson: Why is it that the bread maker is kneading more slowly when making loafs that are more heavy?
Answer: This is normal when using these recipes. This is not a problem for the machine, but we do recommend adding
a tablespoon of liquid.

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