Address Book reading failure Turn the power OFF and then back ON. Perform the job in error again. Reset
the data in the Address Book and perform the job again. If the error still
persists, contact your service representative.
1C63 Terminal IP address unset Ask your administrator to set the IP address of the equipment.
1C64 Terminal mail address unset Ask your administrator to set the Email address of the equipment.
1C65 SMTP address unset Ask your administrator to set the SMTP server address.
1C66 Server time-out error Check whether the SMTP server is operating properly.
1C69 SMTP server connection error Ask your administrator to set the login name or password of the SMTP server
and try again. Check whether the SMTP server is operating properly.
Terminal mail address error Ask your administrator to check the SMTP Authentication method or if there is
an unpermitted character in the Terminal mail address. Set the correct SMTP
Authentication method or delete the unpermitted character in the Terminal mail
Destination mail address error Check if there is an unpermitted character in the Destination Email address.
Delete the unpermitted character and reset the appropriate Destination Email
address, then try again.
1C6D System error Turn the power OFF and then back ON. Perform the job in error again. If the
error still occurs, contact your service representative.
1C70 SMTP client OFF Ask your administrator to enable the SMTP Client and perform the job again.
1C71 SMTP authentication error Confirm that the login name and password are correct. If SSL is enabled, make
sure that SSL port number is correctly set.
1C72 POP Before SMTP error Confirm that the POP Before SMTP settings and POP3 settings are correct.
1CC0 Job canceled The job was canceled.
1CC1 Power failure Check whether the power cable is connected properly and is inserted securely.
Check whether the power voltage is unstable.
3A10 MIME format error Ask the sender to resend the Email in the MIME1.0 format.
3A20 Email process error Ask the sender to resend the Email.
3A30 Partial Email timeout error Ask the sender to resend the Email, or change the Partial Wait time setting.
3A40 Invalid partial Email received Ask the sender to resend the partial Email in the RFC2046 format.
HDD full error Ask the sender to resend the Email by separating it into several Emails. If this
error occurs due to running out of paper and too many waiting jobs being
stored in the hard disk, add paper to activate the other jobs.
3A70 Interrupt partial Email reception Ask your administrator to enable the Enable Partial Email setting and ask the
sender to resend the Email.
3A80 Partial Email disabled Ask your administrator to enable the Enable Partial Email setting and ask the
sender to resend the Email.
3B10 Email format error Ask the sender to resend the Email.
3B20 Content-Type error Ask the sender to resend the Email with attached files that are TIFF format.
3B40 Email decode error Ask the sender to resend the Email.
3C10, 3C13 TIFF analysis error Ask the sender to resend the Email with attached files that are TIFF format.
3C20 TIFF compression error Ask the sender to resend the Email with attached TIFF files in the MH, MR,
MMR, or JBIG compression.
3C30 TIFF resolution error Ask the sender to resend the Email with attached TIFF files whose resolution is
either 200 x 100, 200 x 200, 200 x 400, 300 x 300, or 400 x 400 dpi.
3C40 TIFF paper size error Ask the sender to resend the Email with attached TIFF files that can be printed
on paper permitted for the equipment.
3C50 Offramp transmission error Ask the sender to specify the correct fax numbers and resend the Email.
Offramp security error Confirm that the specified fax numbers are registered in the address book of
the equipment. If not, register the fax numbers in the address book and ask the
sender to resend the Email with the correct fax numbers.
3C70 Power failure Confirm that the job is recovered or not. If not, ask the sender to resend the
3C90 OffRamp Fax transmission disable error Confirm if the Fax Send Function of MFP setting is disable or not.
Destination address error Ask your administrator whether the DNS and mail server settings are correctly
set. If they are, ask the sender to confirm that the destination address is
Error Code Problem Description Corrective Action