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When you need steam you open the steam valve and steam is drawn off the top of the boiler. This will cause
a drop in pressure in the boiler which will again trigger the pressurestat to turn on the heating element to help
maintain the boilers temperature. You may also hear the pump occasionally cycle if the boilers water level goes
below the sensing wire..
WARNING: The steam comes out with a lot of force and can cause serious burns. Use great care
when using the steam function.
When you need hot water, you open the hot water valve and the pressure of the steam as well as the pump
pushing water into the boiler force hot water through the wand. The machine automatically routes the water to
the boiler or to the heat exchanger depending on what mode the machine is in at the time. Limit the dispensing
of hot water to no more than about six ounces at a time. After drawing water allow the pump to refill the boiler
and the boiler to come back up to temperature before further use.
WARNING: The water which is being dispensed can be very near the boiling point, please use great
care when dispensing hot water.
The E-61 grouphead, originally designed by Faema in 1961 (reportedly a year that had an Eclipse, thus
creating the components of the name “E” and “61”) has a thermosyphon design. The Thermosyphon is a water
path from the HX, through the grouphead, and back to the HX. The upper connection channels hot water into the
grouphead (hot water rises) where it transfers heat energy to the massive amount of metal there. The water cools
just a little as it leaves its heat energy in the metal. This water becomes ‘heavier as it cools, and the cooler water
“sinks” back into the heat exchanger. This convection current continues to heat the grouphead while the machine
is on (and even for a time after it is turned off). This helps create a consistent brew temperature throughout the
brewing path- a critical component for quality espresso.
All this sounds quite complex just to make coffee, but one of the benefits is that you can go from brewing
to steaming and back to brewing nearly as fast as you can work- indeed, you can actually steam and pull shots at
the same time if you need to! Anyone who has used a “single boiler” espresso machine and has had to wait for
steam to build up before stretching milk, and then had to refill
the boiler and wait for the temperature to drop to allow another
shot to be pulled will immediately realize the benefits of the
HX design. Hot water is always ready to make espresso and
steam is always ready to stretch milk.
The Grouphead
Let’s take a look at the grouphead in actual operation:
NOTE: Much like the above diagram, the following imag-
es do not accurately represent the layout of the internal work-
ing of the E-61 grouphead which is quite a bit more compli-
cated than shown here. These simplified diagrams were created
to only represent how an E-61 grouphead functions.
When at rest (as in this first image) the water circulates
from the heat exchanger, through the grouphead, and then back
through the heat exchanger. This flow is indicated by the ar-
rows. This is a passive system, powered through convection.
Note that the brew valve is closed, and the coffee is isolated
from the water flow at this time.

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