Getting Started WorkCentre
44 User Guide
More Information
Using the Job Type Feature with the XPS Print Driver
Viewing Active Jobs using the Job Status Menu
Releasing a Held Job using the Job Status Menu
Releasing a Secure Print Job using the Job Status Menu
Accessing Your Personal Secure Jobs List using the Job Status Menu
Releasing Jobs Held in a Public Queue using the Job Status Menu
Releasing Jobs Held in a Private Queue using the Job Status Menu
Viewing the Unidentified Held Jobs Queue using the Job Status Menu
System Administrator Guide
Using Internet Services to find System Administrator Contact Details
Installing Optional Services using the Tools Menu
Viewing the Progress and Details of a Job using the Job Status Menu
Explaining the Fax Options
There are three Fax services which can be installed or enabled on your device, Fax (Embedded Fax),
Internet Fax and Server Fax.
If the Fax (Embedded Fax) service is installed, your device is connected directly to a telephone line
and therefore gives you direct control over your fax transmissions. This type of fax travels over
normal telephone lines and will therefore be charged at telephone rates.
Using Fax enables you to scan your documents and send them to most types of fax machines that
are connected to the telephone network.
Received faxes can be setup to print at the device automatically, held in the job list until a secure
passcode is entered or sent to an E-mail address using the Fax Forward feature.
The standard Fax option connects to one telephone line. An Extended Fax option is also available
which uses two telephone lines. Using two telephone lines allows you to simultaneously send to two
destinations, receive from two destinations, or send and receive.
Internet Fax enables the creation of an electronic image file by scanning an original hard copy
document. The scanned image is converted into Email format to transmit over the internet or
Recipients are selected from an address book or entered manually using the keyboard. Received
Internet Faxes are automatically sent from the server to the device as print jobs.
Server Fax scans your documents and sends them to any type of fax machine that is connected to
a telephone network. Your images are sent from your device to a Third Party fax server, which relays
them over the telephone network to the fax number of your choice.
This means that your fax transmissions are controlled by the server, which may limit your faxing
options. For example, the server may be set-up to collect and send all faxes at off peak times.
The server control may also reduce your costs as the server can select the most appropriate time
and telephone network to use to transmit the fax.