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■ A udio and video synch ronizat ion (lip sync)
Lip sync, an abbreviation for lip synchronization , is a technical term that involv es both
a problem an d a capabil ity of maint aining audio and video s ignals synchronized during
post-production an d transmission. Whereas the audi o and video latency requires
complex end-user adjustments, HDMI version 1.3 inco rporates an automatic audio and
video syncing capability that al lows de vices to perform this sy nchronization
automatically and accurately wit hout user interaction.
■ Bi-amplifi cation connecti on
A bi-amplification connection uses two amplifiers for a speaker . One amplifier is
connected to the woofer section o f a loudspeaker wh ile the other is connected to th e
combined mid and tweeter section. With this arrangement each amplifier operates o ver
a restricted frequency range. This restricted range presents each amplif ier with a much
simpler job and each ampli fier is less likely to influence the sound in some way . The
internal crossover of the speaker consists of a LPF (low pass filter) and a HPF (high
pass filt er). As its name implies, the LPF passes frequenci es below a cuto ff and reject s
frequen cies above the cuto ff frequency . Likewise, the HPF pas ses frequencies abo ve its
■ Component video signal
W ith the component vid eo signal system, the video sig nal is separated into the Y signal
for the luminance and the P
B and P R signals for the chrominance. Color can be
reproduced more faithfully wit h this system because each of these signals i s
independent. The component signa l is also called the “color dif ference si gnal” because
the luminance signal is su btracted from the color signal. A m onitor with component
input jacks is required in order to output compon ent signals.
■ Composite video signal
W ith the composite video signal system, the v ideo signal is com posed of three basic
elements of a video picture: color, brightness and synchronization d ata. A composite
video jack on a video componen t transmits these three elements combined.
■ Deep Color
Deep Color refers to the use of va rious color depths in displays , up from the 24-bit
depths in previous versions of the HDMI sp ecification. This extra bit depth allows
HDTVs and other displa ys go from millions of colors to billions of colors and eliminate
on-screen color banding for sm ooth tonal transitions and subtle gradations between
colors. The increased contrast ratio can represent many times more shades of gray
between black and white. Also Deep C olor increases the number of available colors
within the boundaries defined by the RGB or YCbCr color space.
■ Dolb y Digital
Dolby Digital is a digital surround sound system that gives you completely independent
multi-channel audi o. W ith 3 front channel s (front L/R and center), and 2 surround
stereo channels, Dolby Digital provides 5 full-range audio channels . With an additional
channel especially for bass ef fects, called LFE (Lo w Frequency Ef fect), the system has
a total of 5.1-channels (LFE is count ed as 0.1 channel). By us ing 2-channel stereo for
the surround speakers, more accu rate moving sound effects and surround sound
en vironment are possible t han with Dolby Surround. The wide dynamic ran ge from
maximum to minimum v olume re produced b y the 5 full- range channels and the precise
sound orientation generated using digital sound processi ng provide listeners with
unprecedented excitement and realism. W ith this unit, any sound environment from
monaural up to a 5.1-ch annel configuration can be freely selected for your enjoyment.
■ Dolb y Digital EX
Dolby Digital EX creates 6 full-bandwidth out put channels from 5.1 -channel sources.
This is done using a m atrix decoder that derives 3 surround channels from the 2 in the
original recording. For the best results, Dolby Digital EX should be u sed with movie
sound tracks recorded with Dolby Digital Surround EX. With this additional channel,
you can experience more dynamic and realis tic moving sound especially with s cenes
with “fly-ov er” and “fly-around” ef fects.
■ Dolb y Digital Plus
Dolby Digital Plus is an advanced audio technology developed for high-definition
programming and media including H D broadcasts, HD DVD, and Blu-ray Disc.
Selected as a manda tory audio standard f or HD DVD and as an optional audio standard
for Blu-ray Disc, this technology delivers multichannel sound with discrete channel
output. Supporting bit rates up to 6.0 Mb ps, Dolby Digital Plus can carry up to 7.1
discreet audio channels simultaneously. Supported by HDMI ver sion 1.3 and designed
for the optical disc players and A V recei vers/ amplifie rs of the future, Dolby Digital Plus
also rema ins fully co mpatible with the existing multic hannel audio systems that
incorpor ate Dolby Digital .
■ Dolb y Pro Lo gic II
Dolby Pro Logic II is an improved technique used to decode vast numbers o f existing
Dolby Surround sources. Thi s new technology enables a discrete 5-channel playback
with 2 front left and right channels, 1 center channel, and 2 surrou nd left and right
channels instead of only 1 s urround channel for con ventional Pro Logic technology .
There are three modes a vail able: “Music mode” for musi c sources, “Movie mode” for
movie sources and “Game mode” for game sources.
■ Dolby Pr o Logic IIx
Dolby Pro Logic IIx is a new technology enabling discrete multi-channel p layback
from 2-channel or multi-channel sources. There are three modes a vail able: “Music
mode” for music sources, “Mo vie mode” for movie sources (for 2-channel sources
only) and “Game mo de” for game sources.
■ Dolby Surr ound
Dolby Surround uses a 4-channel analog recording system to reproduce realistic and
dynamic sound effects: 2 front left and right channels (s tereo), a center channel for
dialog (monaural), an d a surround channel for special sound effects (m onaural). The
surround channel reproduces sound within a narrow frequency range. Dolby Surround
is widely used with nearly al l video tapes and laser discs, and i n many TV and cable
broadcasts as well. The Dolby Pro Logic decoder built into this unit em ploys a digital
signal processing system that automatically stabilizes the volume on each channel to
enhance moving sound effects and directionality.
■ Dolby T rueHD
Dolby T rueHD is an advanced lossless audio technology developed for high-def inition
disc-based media including HD DVD and Blu-ray Disc. Selected as a m andatory audio
standard for HD DVD and as an optional audio standard for Blu-ray Disc, this
technology delivers sound that is bit-for-bit identical to the studio master, of fering a
high-definition home theater experience. Supp orting bitrates up to 18.0 M bps, Dolby
Tr ueHD can carry up to 8 dis crete channels of 24-bit/96 kHz audi o simultaneously .
Supported by HDMI version 1.3 and designed for the optical disc players and A V
receiv ers/amplifiers of the future, Dolby TrueHD also remain s fully compati ble with
the existing multichannel audio systems and reta ins the metadata capabilit y of Dolby
Digital, allowing dialog normalization and dynami c range control.
Direct Stream Digit al (DSD) technology stores audio signals on digit al storage media,
such as Super Audio CDs. Using DSD, s ignals are stored as single bit values at a high-
frequency sampling rate of 2.8224 MHz, wh ile noise shaping and oversampling are
used to reduce distortion, a commo n occurrence with very high quantization of audio
signals. Due to t he high sampling rate, better audio quality can be achiev ed than that
offered by the PCM format used for normal audio CDs.
■ DTS 96/24
DTS 96/24 offers an unprecedented lev el of audio quality for mult i-channel sound on
D VD video, and is fully back ward-compatible with all DTS decoders. “96” refers to a
96 kHz sampling rate compared to the ty pical 48 kHz sampling rate. “24” refers to 24-
bit word length.
DTS 96/24 offers sound quality transparent to the origin al 96/24 master, and 96/24 5.1-
channel sound with full-quality full -motion video for mus ic programs and motion
picture soundtracks on DVD video.
■ DTS Digital Surr ound
DTS digital surround was developed to replace the analog soundtracks of movies with a
6.1-channel digital sound track, and is now rapidly gaining popularity in movie theaters
around the world. DTS, Inc. has developed a home theater system so that you can enjoy
the depth of sound and natural spatial representation of DTS digital surround in your
home. This system produces practicall y distortion-free 6-channel sound (techni cally ,
front left and right, center, surround left and right, and LFE 0.1 (subwoofer) channels
for a total of 5.1 channels). This unit incorporates a DTS-ES decoder that enables 6. 1-
channel reproducti on by adding the surround back channel to the existing 5.1-channel
format .
■ DTS Express
DTS Express is an advanced audio technology for the optional feat ure on Blu-ray Disc
or HD D VD, which offers high-quality , low bit rate audio optimized for network
streaming, and Internet applications. DTS Express is used for the Secondary Audio
feature of Blu-ray Disc or the Sub Audio feat ure of HD DVD. These features deliv er
audio comm entaries (fo r example, the ad ditional co mmentar ies made by the d irector of
a film) on demand by the users via the Internet, etc. DTS Express si gnals are mixed
down with the main audio stream on the play er component, and the component sends
the mixed audio str eam to the A V receivers/amplifiers via digital c oaxial, digit al
optical, or analog co nnections.
■ DTS-HD Master Audio
DTS-HD Master Audio is an advanced lossless audio tech nology developed for high-
definition disc-based media including HD DVD and Blu-ray Disc. Selected as a
mandatory audio standard for both HD DVD and Blu-ray Disc, this technology delivers
sound that is bit -for-bit identical to the studio master, offering a high-definition home
theater experience. Supporting bitrates up to 18.0 Mbps for HD DVD and up to 24.5
Mbps for Blu-ray Disc, DTS-HD Master Audio can carry up to 7.1 discrete channel s of
24-bit/96 kHz audio sim ultaneously . Supported by HDMI version 1.3 and designed for
the optical disc players and A V receiv ers/amplifiers of the future, DTS-HD Master
Audio also remains fully compat ible with the existing mu ltichannel audio systems that
incorporate DTS Digital Surround.
Glossar y