■ Using an mLAN interface (when an optional mLAN16E has been installed)
The connection example shown on page 32 lets you transfer MIDI messages as well as audio data. The mLAN connection to
computer (page 39) allows you to transfer both audio and MIDI data between your MOTIF ES and a computer.
■ Connecting to an MTR (Multi Track Recorder)
Since this synthesizer can receive the MTC (MIDI Time Code) and can transmit the MMC (MIDI Machine Control), you can
produce music by synchronizing to a MTC- or MMC-compatible multi-track.
You can use two types of MTR control (illustrated below) by setting the MIDI Sync to MTC in the Utility mode, with the following
nMTC and MMC are available only in the Song mode.
• Synchronizing the MOTIF ES to the MTC signal from an external MTR
After receiving the MTC signal transmitted from the MTR by starting the MTR playback, the Song of the MOTIF ES will start at the
moment the MTC Start Offset time elapses (set from the display [UTILITY] ➞ [F5] MIDI ➞ [SF3] SYNC ➞ MTC StartOffset in the
Utility mode).
nMTC (MIDI Time Code) allows simultaneous synchronization of multiple audio devices via standard MIDI cables. It includes data corresponding to hours,
minutes, seconds, and frames. The MOTIF ES does not transmit MTC. An instrument such as the Yamaha AW4416 is necessary as an MTC master.
• Controlling an MTR by using MMC transmitted from the MOTIF ES
You can control the start/stop and fast forward/rewind of the MMC-compatible MTR from the SEQ TRANSPORT buttons on the
front panel of this synthesizer, outputting MMC messages via MIDI.
nMMC (MIDI Machine Control) allows remote control of multitrack recorders, MIDI sequencers, etc. A MMC-compatible multitrack recorder, for example, will
automatically respond to start, stop, fast forward, and rewind operations performed on the controlling sequencer, thus keeping playback of the sequencer
and multitrack recorder aligned.
Splitting the sound between the MOTIF ES and an external tone generator by MIDI channel (Part 2)
In this connection example shown above, you can split the sequence playback between the MOTIF ES and another
instrument connected to MIDI THRU and have them sound different parts.
For example, on the MOTIF ES assign the Song/Pattern parts to MIDI Receive Channels 1 through 9 with the following
operation, and set the rest of the parts (not to be sounded) to off.
On the connected MIDI tone generator, assign the parts to be sounded to MIDI Receive Channels 10 through 16, and set
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