Connecting this instrument to a computer via MIDI opens up a whole world of musical possibilities — such as using sequencer
software to record and play back compositions with the MOTIF ES sounds or using the included Voice Editor software to create
and edit your own custom Voices.
nWhen connecting to a Macintosh computer (with the exception of Mac OS X), make sure to install OMS to the computer as well as the desired software
(sequence software, Voice Editor, etc.). For details, refer to the separate Install Guide.
Using a USB TO HOST connector
When connecting via this method, make sure to set the following parameter to “USB.”
nUSB cables have different connectors on each end: the A type and the B type. When connecting this synthesizer to the computer, connect the A type to your
computer and the B type to the USB TO HOST connector.
nWhen connecting to a computer (Windows/Macintosh) via USB, make sure to install the USB-MIDI driver to the computer as well as the desired software
(sequence software, Voice Editor, etc.). For details, refer to the separate Installation Guide.
nIf you are using the Remote Control function to control operations on a computer sequencer, you should make connections with a USB cable.
MIDI channel and MIDI port
While a MIDI cable can transfer MIDI messages of 16 channels simultaneously, a USB cable can transfer MIDI messages of
more than 16 channels simultaneously.
MIDI data is assigned to one of sixteen channels, and this synthesizer is capable of simultaneously playing sixteen
separate parts, via the sixteen MIDI channels. However, the sixteen-channel limit can be overcome by using separate MIDI
“ports,” each supporting sixteen channels.
A USB cable can handle MIDI data on up to eight ports, letting you use up to 128 channels (8 ports x 16 channels) on your
nThis synthesizer can recognize and use up to three ports at the same time.
nWhen using a USB connection, make sure to match the MIDI transmit port and the MIDI receive port as well as the MIDI transmit channel and the MIDI
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