nIn addition to the file types above, Yamaha A5000/A4000/A3000/SU700 files and AKAI S1000/S3000 files can be loaded to the MOTIF ES.
nWhen files of the Yamaha A series samplers (A5000/4000/3000) are loaded, an “S” mark by the file name indicates the file contains only sample data and a
“P” mark indicates program data (voice related parameters and so on). When entering the File mode from the Voice/Performance mode, the “P” marked file
can be loaded and the following two types can be selected instead of Waveform or Key Bank.
• Type 1: Only one sample is imported to a certain waveform. This type utilizes the various settings of the MOTIF ES, and the parameters corresponding to
the four elements are also loaded. Extra samples are not loaded.
• Type 2: Several samples are imported to a certain waveform. Parameters corresponding to the four elements are not loaded to the MOTIF ES. Extra
samples are not loaded.
Data Compatibility with the MOTIF 6/MOTIF 7/MOTIF 8
Among the data created on the MOTIF 6/MOTIF 7/MOTIF 8, Voices, Waveforms, Sample Voices can be loaded to the MOTIF ES6/MOTIF ES7/
• Voices
A specified Voice in a file (extension: W2A, W2V) that is saved to the storage device as “All” or “AllVoice” type on the MOTIF can be individually
selected and loaded to the MOTIF ES. Set the TYPE in the [F3] LOAD display to “Voice” and execute the Load procedure.
Likewise, a file (extension: W2V) that is saved to the SmartMedia/USB storage device as “AllVoice” type on the MOTIF can be loaded to the
MOTIF ES. Set the TYPE in the [F3] LOAD display to “AllVoice” and execute the Load procedure.
In addition, Voice Editor files (extension: W2E) can be loaded to the MOTIF ES. Set the TYPE in the [F3] LOAD display to “Voice Editor” and
execute the Load procedure.
nThe Voices loaded to the MOTIF ES 6/7/8 may not produce the exact same sound as those on the original MOTIF 6/7/8, since the contents of the preset
Waveforms and the Effect structure are different between the two instrument series.
• Waveforms
A specified Waveform in a file (extension: W2A, W2W) that is saved to the storage device as “All” or “AllWaveform” type on the MOTIF can be
individually selected and loaded to the MOTIF ES. Set the TYPE in the [F3] LOAD display to “Waveform” and execute the Load procedure.
Likewise, a file (extension: W2W) that is saved to the storage device as “AllWaveform” type on the MOTIF can be loaded to the MOTIF ES. Set
the TYPE in the [F3] LOAD display to “AllWaveform” and execute the Load procedure.
• Sample Voices
A specified Sample Voice (extension: W2A, W2S, W2P) in a file that is saved to the storage device as “All” or “AllSong” or “AllPattern” type on the
MOTIF can be individually selected and loaded to the MOTIF ES. Set the TYPE in the [F3] LOAD display to “SampleVoice” and execute the Load
AllWaveform.W7WFiles of the “All” or “All Waveform” types saved to SmartMedia/USB storage device can be loaded and restored to the
A specified Waveform in a file that is saved to the SmartMedia/USB storage device as “All” or “All Waveform” type can be
individually selected and loaded to the instrument. Please note that the file icons of “W7A” and “W7W” are changed to
(as virtual folders) when this file type is selected (Quick Guide on page 133). In addition, selecting this file type lets you load
the WAV file and AIFF file to the specified destination, which differs depending on the mode before entering the File mode
(Quick Guide on pages 100 and 109).
A specified Sample Voice in a file that is saved to the SmartMedia/USB storage device as “All” or “All Song” or “All Pattern”
type can be individually selected and loaded to the instrument. Please note that the file icons of “W7A” and “W7S” and
“W7P” are changed to (as virtual folders) when this file type is selected (Quick Guide on page 133). This file type is
available only when entering the File mode from the Song mode/Pattern mode.
Voice Editor.W7EThe Voice data edited via the included Voice Editor software on your computer can be loaded to the instrument.
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