You typed more than one call sign for the CONNECT or UNPROTO commands
without the VIA keyword.
?channel must be 0-9
You typed an invalid channel character after the CHSWITCH character.
?different connectees
You tried to CONNECT to more than one station on the same channel.
?already connected (or attempting connection) to that station
You tried to CONNECT to a station to which you're already connected.
too many packets outstanding
The message appears if you've typed enough data to fill the outgoing
buffer in either Converse or Transparent Mode. You cannot re-enter
Converse or Transparent until some of the packets have been sent.
WARNING: Beacon too often
This Warning message appears if you have set the BEACON interval timer
to less than 90 (15 minutes) which is too often for busy channels.
WARNING: CHeck/FRack too small
This Warning message appears if you have set the CHECK timer for too
short a time relative to the FRACK timer.
WARNING: RESptime/FRack too large
This Warning message appears if you have set the RESPTIME timer for
too long a time relative to the FRACK timer.
WARNING: TXdelay too short
This Warning message appears if the TXDELAY timer has been set too
short to send at least one complete flag before the start of a packet.
WARNING: AUdelay > TXdelay
This Warning message appears if the AUDELAY timer has been set equal
to or greater than the TXDELAY timer.
A.4.4 Packet Link Status Messages
Link status messages show you the status of AX.25 connections in which
your PK-232 is involved.
*** CONNECTED to: call1 [via call2[,call3...,call9]]
This message appears when your PK-232 switches to the connected state.
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