Fea tur es
ATTE NTION: Comput er Fun ctions refer to the packin g detai ls.
FUNC TIONS 4 5 7 9 13 16
Speedometer (SPD) 0-99.9 Km/hr or M/hr ● ● ● ● ● ●
Trip meter (DST) Max. 999.9 Km or M ● ● ● ● ● ●
Odom eter (ODO) Max. 9999.9 Km or M ● ● ● ● ● ●
Auto Trip Timer (TM) 9:59‘:59“ ● ● ● ● ● ●
Maxi mum Sp eed (MXS) Max. 99.9 Km/hr or M/hr ● ● ● ●
Aver age Sp eed 0-99.9 Km/hr or M/hr ● ● ●
Scan for DST, MXS, AVS, TM ● ● ●
Free ze Fra me Memo ry for TM, DST, AVS ● ●
Spee d Comp arator +/- ● ● ● ● ●
Digi tal Cl ock ● ● ● ●
12 / 24 ho ur sele ctable ● ●
Spee d Tend ency ● ●
Odom eter S ave Fun ction ● ●
Temp eratur e -10°C bis + 50°C ●
°C / °F Sel ection ●
Main tenanc e Progr am ●
EL B acklig ht (optional) ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Slide the computer onto the mounting bracket until it snaps firmly into position. Press the
release button to take out the computer as shown in Fig. 1.
ATTE NTION! Refer to the append ix for instal lation refere nce.
To start the unit, press the RIGHT button to turn on the display and the wireless mounting
system. To stop the unit, left unused for over 5-6 minutes and then the computer will
automatically switch off to preserve batteries.
Pre ss and h old L EFT a nd RI GH T b ut ton s for 2 s ec ond s or afte r the re pl ace men t of
battery, the unit is switched to wheel size input mode. Multiply wheel diameter, d (Fig.
2) in millimeters by 3.1416 to determine wheel factor, c. Press the LEFT button to select
digit to be input and the RIGHT button to adjust the digit to the desired number (hold for
fast advance). Press the LEFT button again to KM/MILE selection.
(Not e: rem oving b attery will e rase W heel Si ze Inp ut)
Fig. 2: Fo r con veni ence you can refer to the ch art of whe el diame tersiz e fac tor
inpu ts.
After the wheel size input, the following function is selection of kilometers or miles as the
measurement for distance. Press the RIGHT button to choose between kilometer (KM)
and Mile (M), press the LEFT button to confirm.
It is us ed to remin d you for the part s replace ment or to lubri cate the chains and wheel s
afte r the p eset di stance is r eached . Right after KM/ MIL E selec tion, t he pres et tota l dista nce
of 600 km (or miles ) will flash , pres s the RIG HT button to sel ect betwe en 200, 400, 600 &
800 km (or mile s) and press LEFT butt on to con firm . For examp le, if 60 0 km is selec ted,
t h e s p a n n e r ( ) will flash w heneve r the to tal dis tance ( ODO) reach 6 00, 120 0,
1800 km (o r miles ).
Press the LEFT button to stop flashing of spanner ( )
SPE ED COM PAR ATO R ( Cad enc e)
A “+” or “-” sign appears to the right of the speed. “+” indicates you are
travel ling faster than y our a verage spee d (AV S). A “-” indicat es yo u are
riding slower than your average speed.
SPE ED TEN DEN CY (Ac cel era tio n & De cel era tio n)
A cycli st symbol appear s to the lef t of the spe ed. The wheel turns for ward
to ind icate ac cele ration . The wheel tur ns backw ard to indi cate
dece lerati on.
Instantaneous Speed is indicated on the top line. The range of measurement is from 0 to
99 KM/ hr [0 to 99 M/ hr] and accuracy is ± 0.5 KM/ hr [M/ hr].
CLO CK (12 H / 24 H)
A 12 or 24-ho ur dig ital c lock i s indi cated by the f lickeri ng col on on the
bottom line. To s witch b etween t he 12 and 24 ho ur forma t or t o adjust
time, press the LEFT button for 2 seconds. “24H” will start to flicker. Use
the RIGHT button to select “12H” for12-hour format or “24H” for 24-hour
format. Press the LEFT button to confirm. Next the hour digits will start to flicker. Use
the RIGHT button to select the hour. To change minutes, press LEFT button again. The
minutes will start to flicker. Use the RIGHT button to select the minutes. Press the LEFT
button once more to return to CLOCK Mode. Press the RIGHT button to enter ODO mode.
Total distance travelled is indicated by ODO and display on the bottom line.
To reset ODO, press and hold LEFT and RIGHT buttons for 2 seconds or
remove the battery. Press the RIGHT button to enter DST mode.
TRI PME TER (D ST) Tr ip Inf ormat ion Re set Mo de
T r i p d i s ta n c e me a s u r e m e n t i s in d i c a te d b y D S T an d i s di s p l a y e d
o n t h e b o t t o m l i n e . T r i p m e t e r i s a c t i v a t e d a u t o m a t i c a l l y w i t h
spe edo mete r inpu t. Rese t D ST to zero by pr ess ing th e L EFT b utt on for
2 seconds; DST (Trip distance), TM (Trip Timer) & AVS (Average Speed) will
also be reset at that time. Press the RIGHT button to enter MXS mode.
Maximum speed measurement is indicated by MXS and is displayed on the
bottom line. Maximum speed is stored in memory and updated only when
a higher speed is reached. To reset MXS, press and hold the RIGHT button
to enter AVS mode.
Average Speed measurment is indicated by A VS and is displayed on the
bot tom l ine . A VS is cal cul ate d w it h t he Tri p T ime r (TM) , so A VS is the
average speed only while riding. Press the RIGHT button to enter TM mode.
Trip timer measurement is indicated by TM and is displayed on the bottom
line. Trip Timer is activated automatically with speedometer input (On when
you r ide a nd of f whe n you stop .) It reco rds o nly t he ti me sp ent a ctuall y
riding. Reset TM to zero by pressing the LEFT button for 2 seconds in DST
mode. Press the RIGHT button to enter Temperature mode.
Press and hold LEFT button for 2 seconds, ”°C” will start to flash. Press
RIGH T b utt on to s ele ct “°C” or “°F” and pres s L EFT bu tto n t o c onfi rm.
Press RIGHT button to enter the Scan mode.
The Scan m ode a llow s DST , MX S, A VS an d TM to cycle on th e scr een
wit ho ut p re ssi ng a ny k ey s. Pr ess t he R IG HT bu tto n to en ter t he C lo ck
Pres s the LEFT bu tton, Fre eze Frame Memo ry can lock the dis play at the end
of a ride segme nt an d infor mati on TM , DST and AVS which will be flash ing,
can be read at a later time by pressing the RIGHT button. To release the
memory, press the LEFT button until the display digit is static again. This
is partic ularly usefu l when cross ing the finish line of a ti me tria l, sinc e the TM can not be
stop ped ma nually.
The SAVE func tion allo ws you to keep the importa nt data of total dista nce
(O D O ) e v e n a f t e r r e p l a ce m e n t o f b a t t e r y . T o s e t O D O , af t e r b a t t e r y
repl acemen t and whee l size se ttin g, press RIGH T button to OD O mode and
then pres s and hold LEFT butt on for 2 se cond s unt il the last digi t flicke ring.
To ad just num ber, pre ss the RIG HT butto n. Press the LEFT but ton t o con firm. Re peat abo ve
sequ ence to reach th e desire d odomet er value . Press the LEFT butt on again to ret urn to
norm al ODO mode.
Whee l Diam eter Fact or
d c
20“ 1596
22“ 1759
24“ 1916
26“ (650A) 2073
26,5“ (Tubular) 2117
26.6“ (700x25C) 2124
26,8“ (700x28C) 2136
27“ (700x32C) 2155
28“ (70013) 2237
ATB 24“x1.75 1888
ATB 26“x1.4 1995
ATB 26“x1.5 2030
ATB 26“x1.75 2045
ATB 26“x2 (650B) 2099
27“x1 2136
27“x1 1/4 2155
Fig. 2:
Dist anz in millim eter
per one tu rn
d d
Fig. 1:
Disposal of Old Electrical & Electro nic Equipmen t (Applicable in the European Union and
other Europea n cou ntries wi th separ ate c ollectio n sys tems)
This symbol on the product or on its packaging indicates that this product shall not be treated as
househ old wast e. Instead it shall be hand ed over to the applic able collecti on point for the recycl ing
of electr ical and electroni c equipmen t. By e nsuring th is produc t is dis posed of correctly , you w ill
help prevent potential negative consequences for the environment and human health, which could
other wise be caused by ina ppropriate waste hand ling of thi s prod uct. The recycling of materi als will
help to con serve nat ural r esources . For more d etailed i nformatio n about re cycling o f this product, pleas e
conta ct your local city off ice, you r hou sehold w aste disposal service or th e shop w here you purc hased the prod uct.
Subje ct to te chnic al altera tions an d fau lt.
EL BACKLI GHT (o ptiona l)
The EL backlight can be turned on either as follows:
1) Holdi ng the RIGH T butt on for 2 seco nds, the EL ligh t will be turn ed on for 8 sec onds
and the co mput er will then go to fast sc an mode wi th tr ip dist ance, maximu m spe ed,
aver age sp eed and trip timer d isplay ed once .
2) Pres s once on the LEF T Butt on, the EL lig ht will be tur ned on for 4 seco nds an d the
comu ter wi ll go t o the freeze frame menory mode a s well.
Inac curate maximu m spee d readi ng Unkn own at mospher ic or RF inte rferen ce
No s peedom eter re ading Impr oper m agnet/t ransmi tter al ignmen t
Chec k batt ery and corre ct inst allati on
Slow displ ay resp onse Temper ature o utside of ope rating limits (0-55 °C)
Blac k disp lay Temp eratur e too h ot,
or d isplay expose d to d irect s unligh t too l ong
No t rip di stance readin g align ment Check cor rect t ransmit ter / magnet
Chec k batt ery and corre ct inst allati on
Disp lay sh ows irr egular figure s Take out c omputer batte ry and instal l again
Gua ran tee
We off er a gua rant ee for 2 year s fro m the date of purc hase on the CM 108 . The gua rant ee
is l imit ed to mater ial a nd pr ocess ing f ault s. Bro ken t rans mitte rs, o r dam ages o f was ted p arts
of CM 8.3 A are exc lude d fro m th e gu aran tee . Th e gu arant ee is valid onl y if the com pute r,
wit h acce ssori es, has been hand led and main taine d care fully an d acco rding to ope ratin g
ins tru cti ons. The guar antee wil l take place thr ough chan ges of or repair ing the defe ctive
par ts. T he g uar ante e doe ns’t cove r dir ect, in dir ect o r su bse quen t dam ages whic h are rela ted
to the prod uct . Thi s guar ante e doe sn’ t lim it any righ ts of the cons ume r (co nsid eri ng rela tiv e
nat iona l la w) in res pect to t he d eale r.
To re turn the CM 108 un der c onditi ons/t erms of the guarant ee, p lease refer to your
dea ler, yo ur loc al dis trib uto r or sen d the comp uter wi th the pr oof of pur cha se (da te) and all
acc esso ries and with suf ficie nt p osta ge to :
K. W . Hoch schorne r GmbH
Konr ad-Zus e-Bogen 8
D-82 152 Kr ailling
E-Ma il: ci clo-ser vice@c iclospo rt.de
Plea se read throu gh the operat ing manual again caref ully befor e sendi ng in the device and
chec k the battery .
In case of valid guarantee claims, the repaired device or a replacement device will be
retu rned f ree of charge .
Rep air
If your CM 108 is sent in fo r repair (o r batter y change ) or if a guaran tee claim is not valid,
repa irs up to EUR 19.- will be carri ed out automa tically .
In cas e of high er repair costs you will be noti fied . The rep aired dev ice will be sent bac k
Gua ran tee ce rti fic ate
Abse nder:
Name First Name
Stree t, No.
Code/ Location
Telep hone (du ring the day) Fax
E-Mai l
Reas on for return :
Afte r expi ry of t he gua rantee: Repai rs shou ld be carried out u p to a value of
Euro ______ _______ ______ _
C M 10 8