Appendix B: Troubleshooting
Problem: Adapter installation appears to have failed.
• Make sure the adapter is firmly seated in the CardBus slot.
• Uninstall and reinstall the adapter. If the problem persists, uninstall the adapter and install
it in another slot. If possible, try the adapter in another computer to see if the problem is
in the adapter or the computer.
• Check to see if there is an IRQ conflict with another device:
1. Open the Start menu, go to Settings, choose Control Panel, open the System
icon, choose
Device Manager, and open the Network adapters entry. If an
exclamation mark [!] appears on the adapter icon, select the icon and choose
2. Under
Conflicting device list in the Resources panel of the Properties dialog
box, you will see a device conflict message.
3. Uncheck
Use automatic settings and choose the Change Setting button.
4. Select a new IRQ value. When the message “No conflicts” appears in the
Properties dialog box, close all windows by choosing OK, and then restart the
Problems: (1) The adapter fails to function. (2) The adapter’s LEDs are both off. (3) The
operating system does not detect the adapter.
Solution: These problems may be caused by unsuccessful installation. If you are sure that the
adapter is firmly seated in a working slot and has not been turned off through the software, we
recommend that you completely uninstall the adapter, the driver, and the utility, and then repeat
the installation procedures described in this manual.
Problem: You cannot join a network that currently appears in the Settings panel’s Site
Survey section.
Solution: Make sure the computer has the same SSID and security settings as the access point or
(in the case of an ad-hoc network) whatever device represents the network in the
Site Survey
• SSID: The SSID is case-sensitive. Every device on a wireless network must use exactly
the same SSID.
• Security: If the Site Survey list shows that WEP is disabled on the network, WEP must
be disabled on your machine. If WEP is enabled on the network, it must be enabled with
the same key length and contents on your machine.
In addition, if WEP is enabled, the
Auth. Mode control must be set to either Auto or the
mode used on the network (open authentication or shared authentication).