Item no . 67 2 686 / V er sion 05/12
The pr oduct displays the inside and outside t emperatur e and the inside and outside
humidity as w ell as the date and time of the day . By means of the inbuilt DCF -r eceiver ,
the time of day and the dat e can be set aut omatically and, of c ourse , manually .
The we ather station also show s a weather f orecas t for the next 2 4 hours using sym-
bols, air pr essure f or the last 12 hours and the curr ent moon phase as well as the
comf ort indicator . An alarm function is also int egrat ed.
The out door sensor included shows t emperat ure and humidity in it s display .
W eather station and out door sensor are oper ated with bat teries.
Alwa ys observe the saf ety instructions and all other in formation included in these
operating ins tructions.
This pr oduct complies with the applicable national and E uropean r equirements. All
names of c ompanies and products ar e the tr ademarks of the r espective owner s. All
rights re served.
W eather station
Outdoor sens or
Operating Ins tructions
The w arranty will be v oid in the event o f damage caused by f ailure to
observe thes e safet y instructions. W e do not assume liability f or any
resulting damage .
W e do not assume any liabilit y for material and per sonal damage caused
by improper us e or non-compliance with the saf ety instructions. In such
cases, the w arrant y will be null and void.
F or saf ety and licensing ( CE) re asons, unauthorised con ver sion and/ or modifi ca -
tions of the pr oduct are not permitt ed. Never dismantle the pr oduct.
The pr oduct is not a toy and should be k ept out of the re ach of children. It should
be operat ed out of the r each of children.
The we ather station is intended f or use only in dry , indoor loc ations.
The out door sensor is suitable f or use in shelter ed outdoor are as (e .g. under a
roo f overhang). Ne ver dip the outdoor s ensor in or under wat er; this may destr oy
If the product is br ought from a cold int o a warm r oom ( e.g. during tr ansport),
condensation may de velop. T his could damage the product.
W ait until the product has r eached room temper atur e before using it . This may
tak e sever al hours .
Do not leav e the packaging materials unat tended. The y may become danger ous
playthings f or children.
Handle the product with c are; it can be damaged b y impacts, blow s, or accident al
drops , even fr om a low height.
Batteries / rechar geable batt eries do not belong in the hands of childr en.
Do not leav e batterie s/ r echargeable bat teries lying ar ound; there is a risk that
they c ould be sw allowed b y children or pets . If sw allowed, c onsult a doctor im-
mediately .
Leaking or damaged bat teries/ rechargeable bat teries in c ontact with the skin
can caus e acid burns, theref ore , use suitable prot ective glov es.
Batt eries/ r echargeable b atteries mus t not be short-circuited, opened or thr own
into a fi re . There is a risk of e xplosion!
Do not rechar ge normal, non-rechar geable batt eries, risk of e xplosion! Only
charge r echargeable b atteries that ar e intended f or this purpose; use suitable
rechar geable batt ery charger s.
Nev er mix standard b atteries with r echargeable b atteries , use either standar d
batt eries or rechar geable batt eries.
Do not mix batt eries/ r echargeable b atteries with dif ferent char ge lev els (e . g. full
and half-full batt eries/ r echar geable batterie s).
Alwa ys r eplace the complet e set of bat teries / rechar geable batt eries.
Check that the polarity is c orrect when inserting the batt eries/ r echarge able bat-
teries (p ay attention t o plus/+ and minus/-).
If you wish t o use rechar geable batt eries please note that the oper ating time will
decreas e due to low er output voltage (bat teries = 1.5V , rechargeable b atteries
=1.2V). Moreo ver , rechar geable batt eries are mor e temper ature-sensitiv e than
normal ones.
Ther efore , we r ecommend that you use high-qualit y alkaline bat teries to
ensure long-lasting and r eliable oper ation.
a) Out door sensor
Open the batt ery compartment of the outside sens or by pushing its co ver down-
war d s.
Select a tr ansmission channel using the sliding swit ch before ins erting the
batt eries.
The we ather station can displa y data from up t o 3 outside sensors; one out -
side sensor is included in the deliv ery , up to 2 sens ors can be or dered as
acce ssories.
Each outside sens or must be set to a dif ferent tr ansmission channel.
Insert two Micr o / AAA b atteries , with the correct polarit y ( observe +/Plus and -/
Minus). Y ou will fi nd the corresponding illustr ation in the batt ery compartment.
Aft er inserting the batteries , all display segments will light up briefl y; then
the measured v alues for t emperat ure and humidity as w ell as the set channel
number are sho wn.
If desired, y ou can t oggle between the t emperatur e units °C and °F using the
button “C /F”.
If only unintelligible s ymbols are shown in the displa y , pre ss the “RESET” butt on
inside the batt ery compartment briefl y or r emove the b atteries f or a fe w sec-
The r ed LED on the front of the outside s ensor fl ashes briefl y , if data are tr ans-
Close the bat tery compartment.
b ) We ather station
Open the batt ery compartment on the underside o f the weather station.
Insert three AA/Mignon bat teries with the c orrect polarity ( obs erve +/Plus and -/
Minus). Y ou will fi nd the corresponding illustr ation in the batt ery compartment.
Aft er inserting the batteries , all display symbols will light up briefl y and the dis-
play illumination will be activ ated for a f ew sec onds.
Close the bat tery compartment.
If only unintelligible s ymbols are shown in the displa y , pre ss the “RESET” butt on
on the backside o f the weather station briefl y (e .g. with a tooth pick ) or remo ve
the batt eries for a f ew seconds .
The we ather station will att empt to detect a vailable outside sens ors for appr ox.
3 minutes; the r adio symbol “
” will fl ash in the lower left of the display .
Then the we ather station will att empt to rec eive the DCF signal; the r adio tow er
symbol “
” will fl ash at the right-hand side above the time .
Do not place the we ather station ne xt to electronic de vices, me tal parts, cable s
and so on. Bad r eception can also be e xpected with met allised insulating glass
windows , reinf orc ed concret e constructions, c oated special w allpaper or in cellar
rooms .
The r ecognition and interpr etation of the DCF signal c an take 3 - 7 minut es. Do
not mov e the weather station during that time . Do not use any but tons.
When the weather s tation has read the DCF signal c orrectly , the curr ent time of
the day and the date will be displa yed at the low er right of the display and the
radio t ower s ymbol stop s fl ashing. During summer , “DST” (= “Da ylight Saving
Time”) is sho wn below the r adio tow er signal.
The DCF signal is a signal which is br oad-
cast fr om a sender in Mainfl ingen ( near
F r ankfurt am Main).
Its r ange is up to 1500 km and, under ideal
rec eption conditions, ev en up to 2000 km.
The DCF signal cont ains, among others, the
ex act time of day ( accur acy is theor etically
1 second in 1 million y ears!) and the dat e.
This means ther e is no complicat ed manual
setting needed f or summer and winter time .
The s ynchronisation of the w eather station with the DCF signal is done daily at
01:00, 0 2:00, 03:00 , 04:00 and 05:00. One succ essful reception att empt per day
is enough to k eep the deviation of the int ernal quartz clock below one second.
If there still is no curr ent time shown in the w eather station‘s displa y after 5
minutes , change the location of the we ather station.
Pres s the “W A VE” butt on for appr ox. 3 seconds in or der to r estart the DCF
rec eption attempt.
Y ou c an also w ait for a day , allowing the weather station t o attempt t o detect
the DCF signal during the night, since the DCF signal r eception is bett er
Alternativ ely , the time and date c an be set manually on the weather st ation.
1500 km
2000 km