The we ather station is only to be plac ed and used in dry , enclosed indoor r ooms.
Place it on a fl at , stable , suffi ciently large surf ace. Pr otect v aluable furniture
surfac es by using an appr opriate underlay , otherwise it may caus e scrat ches.
The out door sensor is intended f or installation in a prot ected out door area; hang
it on a scre w or nail.
Y ou should pr otect the out side sensor from dir ect precipit ation; otherwise the
air temper ature c annot be measured. Ne ver use the outside sens or in or under
wat er; this will damage it!
a) Out door sensor
The display c ontrast decr eases when the bat teries run lo w . F urthermore , the batt ery
symbol “
” is shown in the display o f the outside sensor and the w eather station.
Replac e the batteries with ne w ones. If the w eather station cannot de tect the out-
side sensor , pre ss the “CHANNEL ” button for appr ox. 3 sec onds until the “ ” for
sensor se arch starts t o fl ash. This proc ess lasts appr ox. 3 minute s. During this time,
do not mov e the outside sensor nor the weather s tation, do not pres s any butt ons.
b ) We ather station
The display c ontrast decr eases or the displa yed symbols disappe ar when activating
the light, when the batt eries run low .
Replac e the batteries with new ones . All settings and data will be lost.
If the time or date ar e changed, the DCF reception is aut omatically swit ched
off .
Hold the “SET” button pr essed for about 3 sec onds until the year display fl ashes.
Using the “UP” or “DOWN” but ton, you c an set the year .
If the respectiv e ke y is pressed for a longer period o f time, quick adjustment
is performed. This als o applies to set ting the month, date , hours and minutes .
If you do not pr ess any k ey f or 10 seconds, the w eather station sav es all set -
tings and exits the s ettings mode automatic ally .
Briefl y pr ess the “SET“ butt on and the month fl ashes. Using the “UP” or “DO WN”
button, y ou can se t the month.
Briefl y press the “SET“ but ton and the date fl ashes. Using the “UP” or “DOWN”
button, y ou can se t the date.
Briefl y press the “SET“ but ton and the time zone fl ashe s. Using the “UP” or
“DOWN” but ton, you c an set the time zone fr om +12 t o -12 hours .
Pres s the “SET” button se ver al times and the “2 4h ” or “12h” fl ashes on the dis-
play . Using the “UP” or “DOWN” butt on you can choo se either the 12h or the 2 4h
mode. In the 12h mode , “am ” is display ed for befor e noon and “pm” f or after noon.
Briefl y pr ess the “SET“ but ton and the hour display fl ashes. Using the “UP” or
“DOWN” but ton, you c an set the minutes .
Briefl y press the “SET“ but ton and the minute displa y fl ashes. Using the “UP” or
“DOWN” but ton, you c an set the minutes .
Briefl y pre ss the “SET” button and the language f or displaying the day o f the
week fl ashes. Set the language using the “UP” or “DO WN” button (“GER” = Ger-
man, “ENG” = English, “FRA ” = F rench, “SP A ” = Spanish, “IT A ” = Italian, “DUT” =
Dutch, “D AN” = Danish).
Briefl y pr ess the “SET” but ton again to e xit the settings mode . All settings will be
Pres s the “DOWN °C/°F W A VE” button for appr ox. 3 sec onds in order to s tart the
DCF rec eption attempt manually . The radio to wer symbol “
” will fl ash.
The r eception attempt las ts for appr ox. 3 - 7 minutes , do not move the w eather sta-
tion during this time, do not pr ess an y button.
If the current time o f the day and the date ar e still not displayed aft er this period,
choose another loc ation for the weather s tation and perform the r eception attempt
Do not place the we ather station ne xt to electronic de vices, me tal parts,
cables and s o on. Bad reception c an also be expect ed with metallised in-
sulating glass window s, rein forc ed concre te constructions , coated special
wallp aper or in cellar rooms .
Pres s the “CHANNEL ” button for appr ox. 3 sec onds until the symbol “ ” for s ensor
sear ch starts to fl ash. This pr ocess lasts appr ox. 3 minut es. During this time, do not
mov e the outside sensor nor the weather s tation, do not pres s any butt ons.
Briefl y pre ss the button “°C /°F” on the weather station in or der to toggle be tween
°C ( degree Celsius ) and °F ( degree F ahr enheit).
If the temper ature r eading the the display o f the outdoor sensor is t o be changed,
open the batt ery case of the out door sensor and briefl y press the “°C /°F” button
locat ed there.
c) S witching the alarm function on/ off
Briefl y press the “ ALM-SET“ butt on to swit ch the alarm function on or off .
If the alarm function is activat ed, a small bell symbol “ ” appears on the left
abov e the time.
b ) Setting the alarm
Pres s the “ ALM- SET” butt on for about 3 seconds and the hour s of the alarm time
will start fl ashing.
Using the “UP” or “DOWN” but ton, you c an set the hours o f the alarm time.
Briefl y press the “ ALM-SET“ butt on and the minutes of the alarm time fl ash.
Using the “UP” or “DOWN” but ton, you c an set the minutes o f the alarm time.
Briefl y press the “ ALM-SET” butt on to exit the s ettings mode.
c) Snoo ze function
Ther e is a button inbuilt on each o f the device ’s fr ont feet .
When the alarm signal sounds, simply pr ess the t op of the housing to activ ate the
snooz e function. The bell symbol “
” fl ashes.
The alarm signal is interrupt ed for appr ox. 5 minutes aft er which it starts again.
d) St opping the alarm signal
When the signal is sounded at the se t alarm time, it can be st opped by pr essing any
button on the b ack of the weather s tation.
If no button is pr essed, the alarm signal s tops automatic ally after 2 minut es.
Briefl y press the “MEM” but ton in order t o toggle bet ween the maximum value s
(the display sho ws “MAX”), the minimum v alues (“MIN”) and the curr ent meas-
ured v alues.
T o delete the sav ed maximum and minimum values , hold the “MEM” button
pres sed for at leas t 3 seconds.
Briefl y pr ess the “CHANNEL ” button, t o toggle bet ween the three out door sensors
for outside t emperatur e.
The r espective channel number is display ed on the left of the display ed
measured v alues of the out door sensor .
Ther e is a button inbuilt on each o f the device ’s fr ont feet .
T o activat e the display light, pre ss the top of the housing briefl y . The light aut omati-
cally goes out aft er sev eral sec onds.
The we ather forec ast for the ne xt 2 4 hours is c alculated based on measur ements of
trends in the bar ometric pre ssure . This re sults in an accur acy of up to 7 0%.
The we ather forec ast is indicated b y a graphic s ymbol in the display .
Please note:
If “Sunny” is displa yed at night, this means a clear night with cle arly visible stars .
The display doe s not repre sent the momentary weather sit uation, but is a forec ast
for the ne xt 12 to 2 4 hour s.
The calculation o f the weather for ecast b ased only on barometric pr essur e results
in a maximum accur acy of about 7 0%. The actual w eather the next da y can there-
for e be completely dif fer ent. Since the measur ed barometric pr essur e only applies
for an ar ea with a diameter o f about 50 km, the weather can als o change quickly .
This is especially the c ase in mountainous are as and high mountain regions.
Ther efore , don‘t depend on the weather for ecast of the w eather station, but in-
form y ourself loc ally when you would lik e to hik e in the mountains, for e xample .
In case o f sudden or larger air pr essure fl uctuations, the display s ymbols are up-
dated t o indicate the w eather change. If the display s ymbols do not change, either
the air pres sure did not change or the change occurr ed so gr adually that it cannot
be regist ered b y the weather st ation.
If the weather f orecas t shows “Sun ” or “Rain ”, the display will not change ev en if
the weather impr ove s (displa y “Sun”) or det eriorat es (displa y “Rain ”) since those
symbols alr eady display the tw o extr eme conditions.
The s ymbols indicate a we ather change for the bett er or wors e, which does not
have t o mean sun or r ain, howe ver , as indicated b y the symbols.
Aft er inserting new batt eries, you should not p ay att ention to the measuring val-
ues and weather f orec asts for the fi r st 12 to 2 4 hour s, because the s tation must
fi rst collect air pr essur e data in this period at a const ant height above se a level
befor e being able to make a mor e ex act forec ast.
If the weather st ation is brought t o a signifi c antly higher or lower loc ation than
the original site ( e .g. from the gr ound fl oor to the upper st orey s of a building) the
weather st ation may possibly err oneously detect a change in w eather .