These oper ating instructions are a public ation by Conr ad Electronic SE, Klaus-C onrad-S tr . 1,
D-92 2 40 Hirschau ( www .c onrad.c om). All rights including tr anslation reserv ed. Reproduction b y
any method, e .g. photocop y , microfi lming, or the capt ure in electronic dat a processing s yst ems
requir e the prior written appr oval b y the editor . Reprinting, also in part, is prohibit ed. These ope-
rating ins tructions repres ent the technical st atus at the time of printing. Changes in technology
and equipment res erved.
© Cop yright 2012 by Conr ad Electronic SE.
The we ather station indicat es the weather t endency with a graphic s ymbol in the
upper left of the display . The calculation is done in the same w ay as for the we ather
for ecast, b y observing the change of atmospheric pr essur e. P ay att ention to the
inf ormation in the chapter “W eather forec ast”.
W eather improv ement (rising atmospheric pr essur e)
No w eather change ( c onstant atmospheric pr essure )
W e ather deterior ation (f alling atmospheric pr essure )
The cour se of the atmospheric pr essur e of the last 12 hours is sho wn in the right of
the display with a bar gr aph.
At st art-up ( or after r eplacing the batterie s), measur ed data are not a vailable
and all bars ha ve the same height.
The atmospheric pr essure me asured by the int egrat ed pres sure gauge is shown in
the top right of the displa y (pres sure unit “hP A ”).
The we ather station display s the actual atmospheric pre ssure , which is dependent
on the altitude of y our home (the higher this place the lo wer the atmospheric pr es-
sure ).
Please not e that the atmospheric pressur e value s you might fi nd e.g. on the
internet ar e alwa ys con verted in r elation to sea le vel. Thus, a de viation of
the reading o f the weather st ation is the result.
In the upper right of the display y ou fi nd the moon phase. It is calculat ed automati-
cally based on the dat e ( either via DCF signal or via the manually set date ).
Abov e the depiction of the weather f orecas t, you can fi nd the comfort indicat or
which pro vides with all current en vironmental c onditions around the location o f the
weather st ation:
t oo dry (humidit y < 40%)
ideal (t emperatur e 20 - 2 8 °C, humidity 40 - 7 0%)
too damp (humidit y > 7 0%)
If nothing is displayed, the t emperat ure at the location is < 2 0 °C or > 28 °C.
The pr oduct is maintenance-fr ee for you; y ou should nev er dismantle it (e xc ept for
inserting/ r eplacing the batteries as de scribed in these oper ating instructions ).
T o clean the ext erior of the weather s tation, a dry , so ft and clean cloth is suffi cient.
Do not pres s too har d on the display of the weather s tation, this may caus e scrat ch-
es or the display t o malfunction; furthermore, the displa y might break.
Dust on the weather s tation can be easily r emoved with the help o f a long-haired,
soft and clean brush and a v acuum cleaner .
Use a slightly damp soft cloth t o remo ve dirt from the out door sensor .
Do not use aggre ssive cleaning agents or cle aning alcohol as it can impair the func-
a) Pr oduct
Dispose of an uns erviceable pr oduct in accor dance with the rele vant st atu-
tory r egulations.
b ) Batterie s and Rechargeable B atteries
As the end user , you ar e requir ed by law (Bat tery Ordinanc e) t o ret urn all used bat-
teries / rechar geable batt eries; disposal of them in the hous ehold wast e is prohibit ed!
Cont aminated batt eries/ r echarge able batteries ar e labelled with these s ym-
bols to indic ate that disposal in the domestic w ast e is forbidden. The s ym-
bols for the r elev ant heavy metals ar e: Cd=Cadmium, Hg=Mer cury , Pb=Lead
(mark ed on batt eries/ r echargeable bat teries , e.g. under the rubbish bin
symbol sho wn to the left).
Y ou c an dispose o f your used bat teries / rechar geable batt eries free of char ge at your
communit y’s c ollection point or any place wher e batt eries/ r echargeable b atteries
are sold!
Y ou ther eby fulfi l your statut ory obligations and contribute t o the prot ection of the
envir onment.
W e, Conr ad Electronic, Klaus -Conr ad-Str aße 1, D-92 2 40 Hirschau, her eby declar e
that this product c onforms t o the fundamental requir ements and the other rele vant
regulations o f the directive 1999 /5/E C.
Y ou c an fi nd the declaration of c onformit y for this product at:
www . conr
The tr ansmission range o f the radio signals be tween out door sensor and weather
station is up t o 30 m under optimum conditions.
This r ange specifi cations r efer to the s o-called “free-fi eld r ange. ”
How ever , this ideal arr angement ( e.g. w eather station and out door sensor on a plain,
ev en meadow without tree s, houses et c.) never e xists in pr actice.
Usually , the w eather station is placed inside a hous e and the outside sensor is placed
e. g. under a carport or at a window .
Due to the diff erent in fl uences on the r adio tr ansmission, no specifi c r ange can be
guarant eed.
How ever , trouble-fr ee operation is usually po ssible in a detached house . When the
weather st ation doesn’t r eceive an y data fr om the outdoor sensor ( despit e new bat-
teries ), reduc e the distanc e between out door sensor and we ather station, change
the installation sit e.
The r ange can sometimes be limit ed consider ably by:
W alls , concr ete ceilings
C oat ed/v apour-deposited insulating glas s panes, aluminium window s
V ehicles
T ree s, bushes, earth, r ocks
Pr o ximity to me tallic & conductive object s (e .g. heating elements )
Pr o ximity to human bodie s
Broadband int erfer ences, e .g. in re sidential areas (DE CT telephones , mobile
phones, r adio-contr olled headphones, r adio-controlled spe akers , other radio-con-
trolled w eather stations, b abyphones et c.)
Pr o ximity to electric mot ors, tr ansformer s, pow er supply units, comput ers
Pr o ximity to mains s ockets, ne twork c ables
Pro ximity to impr operly shielded or uncov ered oper ating computer s or other elec-
trical de vices
a) W eather st ation
Pow er supply: .............................................. 3 batteries o f type AA/Mignon
T emper atur e measuring r ange: ............... 0 °C to +50 °C
Res olution: ................................................ 0. 1 °C
T oler anc e: .................................................. +/-1 °C
Air humidity measuring r ange: ................ 20% t o 90% relative humidit y
Res olution: ................................................ 1%
T oler anc e: .................................................. +/-5%
Outdoor sens ors: ........................................ Max. 3
Dimensions: ................................................ 17 2 x 126 x 6 1 mm (W x H x D)
W eight: .......................................................... 2 44 g ( without batt eries)
b ) Outdoor sensor
Pow er supply: .............................................. 2 batteries o f type AAA/Micr o
T emper atur e measuring r ange: ............... -2 0 °C to + 7 0 °C
Res olution: ................................................ 0. 1 °C
T oler anc e: .................................................. +/-1 °C
Air humidity measuring r ange: ................ 20% t o 95 % relative humidit y
Res olution: ................................................ 1%
T oler anc e: .................................................. +/-5%
T r ansmission fr equency: ........................... 433 MHz
Range: ........................................................... Max. up to 30 m ( see chapter “R ange”)
Dimensions: ................................................ 61 x 90 x 20 mm (W x H x D )
W eight: .......................................................... 55 g ( without batt eries )