Before cleaning the barbeque exterior and pedestal, ensure the appliance has cooled and
is safe to touch, and that the appliance has been removed from the power supply. Painted
and plastic surfaces can be cleaned using a mild household detergent or cleaner and a
clean cloth (do not use scourers or harsh detergents). It is advisable to test cleaners on
a small section of the appliance rst. NEVER use paint thinners or similar solvents for
cleaning and NEVER pour cold water over hot surfaces. Dry the surface afterwards.
Rotisserie poles should be wiped down with a soft cloth to remove an oil or grit (do not
allow water to ow down the poles and into the barbeque).
Before cleaning the internal parts of your barbeque, ensure the appliance has cooled and
is safe to touch. The inside of the charcoal chamber can be cleaned by using some water,
mild detergent and a sponge or mild scouring pad.
For hard to clean areas, use a little baking soda on a wet sponge. Do not use abrasive cleaners.
All ash and any leftover fuel should be removed after every cook (take care that it is fully
extinguished and cold). After cleaning the charcoal chamber, remove the charcoal grid and
carefully twist the element upwards. Remove the element bracket (X) and remove and empty
the heat shield. Clean any ash or oil that may have dropped into the element bowl, and replace
the heat shield and element bracket. Twist the element back over the bracket and replace the
charcoal grid. Note: all parts MUST be in place correctly before cooking again.
WARNING! The surfaces of the open grills may be hot. Please ensure heat resistant
gloves are worn.
When the appliance is not in use, the barbeque (and pedestal if supplied) can be stored
outdoors, but must be under cover and covered (preferably with a purpose made FUSIONTM
Barbeque cover), out of the weather. Ensure the cooking surface is clean before storing away.
Do not leave the power cord connected to the power supply for extended periods of time
(disconnect after use).
Solid fuel is not igniting or taking longer than expected to ignite:
Power supply interruptedCheck the LED at the ignition switch is lighting when pressed. Check cord is connected & turned on. Check power is being supplied to
appliance (power outage or tripped circuit breaker). Check that retractable power cord has not been pulled out too far (it can interrupt the
internal power connection).
Poor type of solid fuel usedFuel may be wrong size (parts too large). Break up larger parts so they can ignite easier. Purchase a dierent type of charcoal and try. We
recommend using 100% natural lump charcoal in this appliance (see
Solid fuel is dampSolid fuels can become damp over time, which retards ignition. Store in a dryer place & repurchase fresh solid fuel.
Solid fuel incorrectly distributed in charcoal
Follow the instructions on placing the solid fuel in the charcoal chamber. If charcoal has compacted down tight, remove some solid fuel so air
can ow freely through and assist in ignition. If too little fuel is used, the heat and ignition may not pass as fast between separate pieces.
Timer or element not workingRemove fuel and check LED on ignition switch is lighting up when pressed. Check for heat from the element (without fuel this should run for 7
minutes before turning o) with a hand at a safe distance. If not running, contact your nearest Service Centre.
Internal components not aligned correctlyCheck element heat shield, support bracket and element are correctly positioned. Check charcoal chamber correctly allocated in lower tabs.
Check charcoal grid is correctly allocated in charcoal chamber.
Barbeque not cleanedCheck ash has not collected inside the element bowl or heatshield, or blocked the charcoal grid.
Weather conditions and ambient
Cold, windy and wet conditions will aect the ignition and combustion process. Move barbeque to a more suitable location.
Rotisserie not operating:
Power supply interruptedCheck the LED at the rotisserie switch is lighting when pressed. Check cord is connected & turned on. Check power is being supplied to
appliance (power outage or tripped circuit breaker). Check that retractable power cord has not been pulled out too far (it can interrupt the
internal power connection).
Rotisserie rod not seated in motor correctlyRemove rod from poles and check motor socket is rotating. Check rod handle is fully extended. Place rod in motor and check handle end is
correctly allocated in the slot and keyway of the left hand pole.
Rotisserie overloadedCheck rod rotates without food, and then with food. Remove some of the food from the rotisserie and try again
Rotisserie motor has jammedMotor or internal parts have seized. Contact your nearest Service Centre.
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