The barbeque and pedestal (if supplied) must be assembled before use. Only a medium size Philips screwdriver is needed.
Open the carton from the top and remove the parts. Remove all packaging (especially check inside the barbeque and under the charcoal grid) and place parts on a clean surface. Check for any
damage or missing parts (if found, contact your service department).
01 / Barbeque Chassis
Assembly x 1Pc
09 / Element Heat
Shield x 1Pc
02 / Lid Handle
x 1Pc
10 / Rotisserie Rod
x 1Pc
03 / Lid
x 1Pc
11 / Cliplock Fork™
x 1Pc
04 / Lid Hanging
Bracket x 1Pc
F01 / M3 x10mm Screw
x 2Pcs
05 / Open Gril
x 1Pc
F02 / M3 Spring Washer
x 2Pcs
06 / Charcoal Grid
x 1Pc
F03 / M3 Washer
x 2Pcs
07 / Charcoal Chamber
x 1Pc
08 / Element Support
x 1Pc
S01 / Pedestal Top
x 1Pc
S02 / Pedestal Pole
x 1Pc
S03 / Pole Support
Cover x 1Pc
S04 / Pole Support
x 1Pc
S05 / Pedestal Base
Cover x 1Pc
S06 / Pedestal Base
x 1Pc
S07 / Pedestal Support
Bracket x 1Pc
Remove all internal cartons and packaging from within the barbeque assembly. Remove all external packaging and remove the appliance from the packaging base before operation.
Recycle as per your local government laws.
F04 / M8 x 25mm Bolt
x 10Pcs
F05 / M3 x 10mm Screw
x 6Pcs
F06 / M4 x 8mm Screw
x 4Pcs
F07 / Rubber Foot
x 6Pcs
/ Take the M3 spring washers (F02) and M3 washers (F03) and place them onto two M3x8mm screws (F01). Take the two lid hanging brackets (04) and t onto two M3x8mm screws
(F01) (the legs of the brackets should hang around the screw heads). Place the handle (02) on the inset side of the lid (03) and align the handle legs with the two holes. Fix the lid
hanging brackets to the bottom of the lid by screwing the screws into the handle legs (take care that the hanging brackets are running parallel to the lid shorter sides). Tighten fully. If
assembled correctly, the lid will hang from the bracket at the rear of the barbeque using the lid hanging brackets to hook it in place.
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